Added on 20/06/2013
Steve Royston
America , Anti-Zionism , Asia , Bashar al-Assad , Hezbollah , Hizballah , Iran , Iraq , Islam and antisemitism , Islamic terrorism , Israeli–Lebanese conflict , Lebanese Civil War , Lebanese nationalism , Lebanon , Lebanon War , Libya , Middle East , Politics , Qatar , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Syria , United Kingdom , War/Conflict , Yemen
STEVE ROYSTON: The situation in Syria is so desperate, so serious and so wide-ranging that it has the potential to affect every individual living in the region
Added on 15/12/2012
America , American Israel Public Affairs Committee , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Chuck Hagel , Co-Chairman , Congress , Eli Lake , Emergency Committee for Israel , Hizballah , Iran , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Israel , Josh Block , Lebanon , Max Fisher , Pentagon , President , Republican Guard , Secretary of Defense , Senate , Sergeant , Steve Walt , The Washington Post , United States , Vietnam , Washington
MONDOWEISS: Whispers from Washington suggest that President Obama is set to nominate Chuck Hagel as Defense Minster. There will be sparks
Added on 20/11/2012
mai abdul rahman
Central Intelligence Agency , DC , Europe , fisherman , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Hamas , Hizballah , IDF , Israel , Jerusalem , natural gas reserves , Netanyahu , Palestine , Palestinian Liberation Organization , Prime Minister , Qassam rocket , Soccer , Social Media , The Green Line , United States , Washington , West Bank
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: There are so many agendas at play in Gaza today but one of them undeniably is the opportunity to showcase – and sell – weapons.
Added on 09/08/2012
Ramzy Baroud
Afghanistan , American Enterprise Institute , Beirut , Central Intelligence Agency , CNN , Congress , Conservatives , Egypt , Eric Edelman , Hizballah , Ileana Ros-Lehtinen , Iran , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , LA Times , Libya , Matt Duss , Middle East , Obama administration , Saddam Hussein , Syria , The National Interest , Tunisia , United States , Washington , Washington Institute , Washington Institute for Near East Policy , Washington Post , Yemen
RAMZY BAROUD: After a short respite, neoconservatives are back with their bizarre maps, bleak visions, and a fail-proof recipe for perpetual conflict.
Added on 03/08/2012
Francis Matthew
America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Brazil , China , Egypt , Foreign Policy , Gaza , George W. Bush , Hamas , Hizballah , India , Indonesia , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Lebanon , Libya , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Saudi Arabia , South Africa , Syria , Tunisia , Turkey , United Nations , United States
FRANCIS MATTHEW: US Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is suggesting a dangerous return to a simplistic foreign policy in which foreigners are divided simply into friends and foes.
Added on 23/07/2012
Al Qaeda , Egypt , Hamas , Hizballah , Islam , Jordan , Lebanon , Middle East , Taliban , Tunisia , Turkey
DANIEL M. VARISCO: A recently released survey by the influential Pew Foundation has found that support among ordinary citizens for extremists is very low.
Added on 22/07/2012
David Roberts
Abdullah , Assad , Central Intelligence Agency , Chemical weapons , Churchill , Damascus , Euphrates , Greece , Hamas , Hassan Nasrallah , Hizballah , html , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Levant , Libya , Mediterranean , Middle East , Moscow , Operation Damascus Volcano , Qatar , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Security Council , Syria , Syrian army , Turkey , UN Security Council
DAVID ROBERTS: Russia is unfazed about alienating swathes of the Middle East not to mention the majority of Syrians, believing in time their position can be reasserted
Added on 03/07/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Ahmed Shafiq , Al Qaeda , America , Bashar al-Assad , Bush Administration , Condoleezza Rice , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Egyptian parliament , Freedom and Justice Party , George Bush , Hamas , Hizballah , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Justice Party , Middle East , Mohammed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood , Northern Ireland , Obama , Obama administration , President , Secretary of State , Sinai Peninsula , Syria , Syrian government , Tahrir Square , United States , Washington , White House , World Trade Center
ROB L. WAGNER: There’s no doubt that alarm bells were ringing in Washington with the news of Morsi’s election. It does, though, present an opportunity
Added on 03/07/2012
Afghanistan , America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bernard Lewis , Cairo , Clinton , East Africa , Egypt , Europe , Federal Bureau of Investigation , George Bush , George W. Bush , Ground Zero mosque , Hamas , Hiroshima , Hizballah , Iraq , Islam , Islamophobia , Israel , Jerusalem , Lebanon , legal systems , Libya , Likud Party , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Nagasaki , New York city , New York Times , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Obama administration , Pakistan , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Peter King , President , Rutgers University , Secretary of State , Somalia , Soviet Union , the Associated Press , The New York Times , United States , Washington DC , World Trade Center , Yemen
ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire
Added on 22/06/2012
Common Ground News Service
Energy , Gaza , Hizballah , Holocaust , Iran , Israel , Jerusalem , Lebanon , Middle East , Palestine , Ukraine
COMMON GROUND NEWS: Two individuals confronted their own prejudices in a bid to help others from their side do the same.
Added on 15/06/2012
David Roberts
Bahrain , Central Intelligence Agency , Doha , George Bush , Hamas , Hizballah , Middle East , Qatar , Saddam Hussein , Shia
DAVID ROBERTS: There has been some utterly dreadful reporting of the recent fire in a mall in Qatar. One particular report, however, stands out
Added on 08/06/2012
Ramzy Baroud
Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz , Al Houla , Ban Ki Moon , Bashar al-Assad , BBC , Damascus , Envoy , Free Syrian Army , Hizballah , Iran , Iraq , Islamist , Israel , Istanbul , Kofi Annan , Lebanon , Middle East , President , Saudi Arabia , Sectarianism , Shia , Sunni , Syria , Syrian government , The Financial Times , Tripoli , Turkey , United Nations , United States
RAMZY BAROUD: The recent massacre of civilians in Syria marks the beginning of a spiral of horror which could engulf the whole region
Added on 02/06/2012
Syria News Wire
Army , FSA , Hizballah , Journalism , Syria
NEWS FROM SYRIA: VICE Magazine has been spending some time with the Free Syrian Army. Will their reporting divide opinion once again?
Added on 26/05/2012
Aaron David Miller , America , Camp David , CNN , Dennis Ross , Ehud Barak , Hamas , Hizballah , India , Iran , Iranian government , Iraq , Israel , North Korea , Obama , Obama administration , Pakistan , President , Rabin , Tehran , U.N. Security Council , U.S. America , United States , Washington
IRA GLUNTS, MONDOWEISS: War, according to Aaron Miller, is inevitable unless something extraordinary happens in the next year.
Added on 02/05/2012
Juan Cole
Actor , Al Qaeda , Anders Breivik , Barack Obama , Bashar al-Assad , Ba’ath Party , Bin Laden , Damascus , Egypt , Gingrich , Governor , Guinea , Hamas , Hassan Nasrallah , Hizballah , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Israel , Jimmy Carter , Joe Biden , Lebanon , Lord’s Resistance Army , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Muslim Brotherhood , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , Muslim Brotherhood of Syria , Newt Gingrich , Osama Bin Laden , Palestinian Territories , President , Ron Paul , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Syrian Muslim Brotherhood , Tunisia , Turkey , United States , US Elections
JUAN COLE: Romney clearly doesn’t have the slightest idea what he is talking about, and seems intent on alienating 1.5 billion Muslims
Added on 07/03/2012
James M. Dorsey
2010 World Cup , Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , amputations , Baghdad , Barak Obama , Congress , Cuba , Dennis Ross , Fifa World Cup , Florida , Football , Guantanamo Bay , guard , Hamas , Hassan Nasrallah , Herman Cain , Hizballah , House of Representatives , Iran , Iraq , Ismail Haniyeh , Kabul , Kabul's Ghazi stadium , McClatchy , Nelson Mandela , Northern Iraq , Osama Bin Laden , Pentagon , Politics , President , recruitment tool , Rugby , Saddam Hussein , Saudi Arabia , Soccer , Somalia , South Africa , Taliban , U.S. Congress , U.S. Navy , United States , United States Navy , US government , US military
JAMES M. DORSEY: The $744,000 pitch outside a $39 million penitentiary-style building is intended to reward the most cooperative of the 120,171 inmates.
Added on 03/03/2012
Ramzy Baroud
Bashar al-Assad , Camp David , Damascus , Doha , Egypt , Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood , Fatah , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Hamas , Hizballah , Iran , Iraq , Ismail Haniyeh , Israel , Khaled Mashaal , Lebanon , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Palestine , President , Syria , Tunisia , United States , West Bank , Yemen
RAMZY BAROUD: Hamas might be reinventing itself, or it may simply be trying to weather the storm. Either way, it is quickly leaving its traditional home.
Added on 29/02/2012
mai abdul rahman
Boycott Divestment and Sanctions , Gaza , Hizballah , Holocaust , Israel , New York , Norman Finkelstein , Palestine , political solution
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: His recent comments surprised many but his defence of Palestine remains resolute.
Added on 29/02/2012
David Roberts
2022 World Cup , Abdullah , Abu Dhabi , Bahrain , Crown Prince , Doha , Egypt , Emir , gas field , guard , Gulf Cooperation Council , Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani , Hamad Bin Khalifa al Thani , Hizballah , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Kuwait , Media coverage , oil fields , oil reserves , Oman , Paranoia , Qatar , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Suez , Sultan , Tamim Bin Hamad al-Thani , Tehran , United Arab Emirates , United States
DAVID ROBERTS: if Qatar’s role is tempered by lack of Saudi support, the region will be without a state willing to push the boundaries of regional politics.