Added on 13/09/2012
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , al-Masry al-Yawm , Benghazi , Cairo , Department of State , Egypt , Garden City , Hosni Mubarak , Ku Klux Klan , Libya , Libyan government , Mitt Romney , Mohammed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , Obama administration , President , Prime Minister , Red Cross , Republican presidential candidate , Sam Bacile , Sinai , Tahrir Square , Terry Jones , The US ambassador , United States , US embassy in Cairo , West Bank , YouTube

Benghazi Attack: Romney Gets It Badly Wrong

JUAN COLE: His comments were hasty, distasteful and unwise. Can we afford to have an individual with such poor judgement in the White House?
Added on 11/07/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Egypt , Europe , Haaretz , Israel , Israeli army , Lebanon , Levant , Libya , Middle East , Mohammed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , North Africa , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Authority , President , Ramallah , Syria , Tunisia , United States

Target Lebanon: A ‘Jittery’ Israel Set To Lash Out

ROB L. WAGNER: The changes throughout the Arab world have made Israel very nervous indeed. And a nervous Israel is a dangerous Israel.
Added on 02/05/2012
Juan Cole
Actor , Al Qaeda , Anders Breivik , Barack Obama , Bashar al-Assad , Ba’ath Party , Bin Laden , Damascus , Egypt , Gingrich , Governor , Guinea , Hamas , Hassan Nasrallah , Hizballah , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Israel , Jimmy Carter , Joe Biden , Lebanon , Lord’s Resistance Army , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Muslim Brotherhood , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , Muslim Brotherhood of Syria , Newt Gingrich , Osama Bin Laden , Palestinian Territories , President , Ron Paul , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Syrian Muslim Brotherhood , Tunisia , Turkey , United States , US Elections

Romney’s Middle East: So, Who is the Enemy, Mitt?

JUAN COLE: Romney clearly doesn’t have the slightest idea what he is talking about, and seems intent on alienating 1.5 billion Muslims
Added on 30/12/2011
Juan Cole
Abdullah , Al Qaeda , Algeria , Ali Abdullah Saleh , Ali Khamenei , Arab Spring , Ayman al-Zawahiri , Baath Party in Syria , Bahrain , Balkans , Ben Ali , Binyamin Netanyahu , Bush Administration , David Cameron , Democracy , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Europe , France , G8 , Gaza , George W. Bush , Hamas , Hillary Clinton , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Joe Biden , Libya , Manama , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Misrata , Moncef Marzouki , Morocco , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Saddam Hussein , Saudi Arabia , School of Oriental and African Studies , Social services , Supreme , Suzanne Mubarak , Syria , Syrian National Council , Tahrir Square , Tel Aviv , Tunisia , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States , Washington , West Bank , Western Europe , Western Mountain region , Yemen

‘All Praise to George W. Bush’: The Top Ten Myths of the Arab Spring

JUAN COLE: So much that is misinformed, over-hyped and simply plain wrong has been written about the Arab Spring. So let’s sort the wheat from the chaff.
Added on 10/05/2011
Sultan Al Qassemi
AED , Arab Gulf , Arabian Peninsula , Asharq Al-Awsat , Civil society , Dubai , Dubai School , Egypt , Facebook , Finance , Freedom and Justice Party , Gaza Strip , GCC , Gulf News , Hosni Mubarak , Human Rights Watch , Iran , Jordan , Kuwait , London , Media law , Middle East , Mohamed elBaradei , Muslim Brotherhood , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , President , Saudi Arabia , Social Media , Syria , Tahrir Square , Turkey , UAE , UAE government , United Arab Emirates , Yemen

GCC: Muslim Brotherhood Fears Over Arab Spring

SULTAN AL QASSEMI: UAE national observers commented in private that many names on the UAE petition calling for an elected parliament were UAE members of the Muslim Brotherhood.