Jonathan Cook

The Interview That Spoke Volumes About Gaza Attack

The Interview That Spoke Volumes About Gaza Attack

JONATHAN COOK: CNN was determined to follow the script of ‘equivelance’ when broadcasting an interview with a Gazan and an Israeli. Events took over, though.

 Juan Cole

‘Diplomatic Ruin’, ‘International Isolation’: Peres Has Enough

‘Diplomatic Ruin’, ‘International Isolation’: Peres Has Enough

JUAN COLE: Netanyahu and Barak were intent on boxing Obama into a corner. But the wily octogenarian, Shimon Peres, has stepped in.

 Richard Silverstein

Israel Facing a Harsher, Less Predictable World

Israel Facing a Harsher, Less Predictable World

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: There are forces out there seeking to capitalize on the Arab Spring: It’s s a different world Israel is facing. A harsher world, one more difficult to control.

 Richard Silverstein

Israel’s Lack of Respect for the US Equals Disaster

Israel’s Lack of Respect for the US Equals Disaster

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: An Israeli leader who neither respects nor fears an American president is a recipe for disaster both for Israel and America. Obama has yet to find that out.


Tourism: How Most Israelis Experience Occupation

Tourism: How Most Israelis Experience Occupation

REBECCA STEIN, MONDOWEISS: They wandered into Jerusalem as gawping tourists after the Six Day war. 45 years on not much has changed


Iran: It’s War in 2013, Says Former Diplomat

Iran: It’s War in 2013, Says Former Diplomat

IRA GLUNTS, MONDOWEISS: War, according to Aaron Miller, is inevitable unless something extraordinary happens in the next year.

 Richard Silverstein

Where is the Palestinian Ghandi..? Shot in the Head Already

Where is the Palestinian Ghandi..? Shot in the Head Already

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Know you will be held accountable. That Jews with any moral sense renounce you just as most Muslims renounce Al-Qaeda terrorists.


Azerbaijan: Israel’s Airfield for Iran Attack

Azerbaijan: Israel’s Airfield for Iran Attack

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: Israel’s bought a country to attack Iran and it’s called Azerbaijan.


Iran War Game: Pentagon Is Worried

Iran War Game: Pentagon Is Worried

ANNIE ROBBINS, MONDOWEISS: The Israelis are playing down the consequences of an attack. American ‘top brass’ aren’t buying it.

 Richard Silverstein

Iran, Israel: Obama’s Dangerous Game

Iran, Israel: Obama’s Dangerous Game

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Israel could severely bloody the Iranians, but it would still not be able to deliver a knock-out blow against its nuclear capability.

 Ramzy Baroud

Israel Bangs Drum for War: Why Follow?

Israel Bangs Drum for War: Why Follow?

RAMZY BAROUD: History repeats itself, when we fail to learn its lessons. Israel might want to take such chances, but why should the rest of the world?

 Jonathan Cook

Israel: World’s First State Enclosed Within Own Walls, Ethnic Cleansing in Process

Israel: World’s First State Enclosed Within Own Walls, Ethnic Cleansing in Process

JONATHAN COOK: The remaining border, the 260km one with Egypt, is being closed with another wall, gaining impetus with the overthrow of Mubarak

 Jonathan Cook

Israel Backs Itself Into Dangerous Cul-De-Sac

Israel Backs Itself Into Dangerous Cul-De-Sac

JONATHAN COOK: 2011 marked the point at which the Palestinians called Israel’s bluff and revealed Oslo to be nothing more than a stalling tactic. What does the upcoming year hold?


An Inconvenient Truth: Ehud Barak Off Message

An Inconvenient Truth: Ehud Barak Off Message

MONDOWEISS: If Iran ever acquired nuclear weapons would it launch an attack on Israel? “Not on us and not on any neighbor.” The speaker? Ehud Barak…

 Jonathan Cook

Global Unpopularity Wearing Down Israel

Global Unpopularity Wearing Down Israel

JONATHAN COOK: Benjamin Netanyahu’s advisers conceded last week that the Israeli prime minister is more downcast than they have ever seen him.

 Jonathan Cook

Israeli Military to Cash in on Egyptian Revolution

Israeli Military to Cash in on Egyptian Revolution

JONATHAN COOK: Israel has always presented itself as ‘the villa in the jungle’. The military in ‘the villa’ see an opportunity to secure additional U.S. largess.


Israeli ‘muscle flexing’ could harm U.S Interests

Israeli ‘muscle flexing’ could harm U.S Interests

ALI GHARIB, MONDOWEISS: Two Iranian warships pass through the Suez Canal and the Israelis howl in protest. The U.S administration quickly falls into line…

 Ramzy Baroud

WikiLeaks Indicts, & Vindicates, U.S. Diplomats

WikiLeaks Indicts, & Vindicates, U.S. Diplomats

RAMZY BAROUD: Despite their high number, the documents raise many questions, but answer few. Since more are coming, one must wait and see…