
Turbanned, Bearded and Angry: Western Media on Islam

Turbanned, Bearded and Angry: Western Media on Islam

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The Newsweek cover this week is lazy and sensationalist. Not a lot has changed since Edward Said wrote a famous essay 30 years ago.

 Common Ground News Service

Auschwitz Visit: An Anti-Palestine Media Agenda?

Auschwitz Visit: An Anti-Palestine Media Agenda?

NATALIA SIMANOVSKY: The visit by a Palestinian official was not deemed suitable to receive strong coverage only its condemnation by Hamas

 Jonathan Cook

Nazareth Machinations: The Long Game to “Jews Only”

Nazareth Machinations: The Long Game to “Jews Only”

JONATHAN COOK: … Expropriations would become a staple of life over the next three decades as more than 70 per cent of the land belonging to Palestinians was nationalized

 David Roberts

Examining Saudi-Qatar Relations

Examining Saudi-Qatar Relations

DAVID ROBERTS: if Qatar’s role is tempered by lack of Saudi support, the region will be without a state willing to push the boundaries of regional politics.

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

What High Heels Say About Economic Cycles

What High Heels Say About Economic Cycles

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Usually, in an economic downturn heels go up as consumers turn to more flamboyant fashion as a means of escape…

 Susan Al Shahri

The Pointlessness of ‘The Red Ribbon Events’

The Pointlessness of ‘The Red Ribbon Events’

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: They start us young on the ‘Omani Red Ribbon Events’, and they litter our lives.

 Common Ground News Service

Egyptian Women Continue the Fight

Egyptian Women Continue the Fight

CG NEWS, SALLY ZOHNEY: Radio host and activist Bothaina Kamel, is breaking new ground becoming the first woman in Egypt to run for president.

 Steve Royston

Bahrain: Reconciliation In Need After Bassiouni

Bahrain: Reconciliation In Need After Bassiouni

STEVE ROYSTON: The report is magisterial, dispassionate and distressing. Accounts of torture, violence and intimidation are not surprising.

 Ramzy Baroud

A Boy from Gaza is Blown to Pieces: Apart from his Family, Who Cares?

A Boy from Gaza is Blown to Pieces: Apart from his Family, Who Cares?

RAMZY BAROUD: An unmanned Israeli drone fired a missile at Ibrahim Zaza. For thirty days, against all odds, he survived.

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

Gallup: Muslims Loyal, Non-Violent, Tolerant – Shock!

Gallup: Muslims Loyal, Non-Violent, Tolerant – Shock!

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: These same results keep being found, keep being published – and keep being greeted with surprise…

 Common Ground News Service

Simplistic World View Quashed by Arab Spring

Simplistic World View Quashed by Arab Spring

KHALED HROUB, CGNEWS: Whether it was George Bush or Osama bin Laden we were presented for too many years too a simplistic a view of the Arab world.


The Top Terrorist Organisation For the U.S.? Not Muslim…

The Top Terrorist Organisation For the U.S.? Not Muslim…

MUSTAFA OMAR: When it comes to the white-hot issue of terrorists who threaten American citizens perception, unfortunately, is very far from reality.

 Common Ground News Service

Time is Ripe for Re-alignment of U.S/Pakistan Relations

Time is Ripe for Re-alignment of U.S/Pakistan Relations

HUMA YUSUF, CGNEWS: The way in which the United States summarily despatched Osama bin Laden on Pakistani territory has alarmed and upset many in the country. Unlikely as it seems there is, however, room for optimism.

 Ramzy Baroud

Egypt’s Back, Palestinians Unified. Israel Worried

Egypt’s Back, Palestinians Unified. Israel Worried

RAMZY BAROUD: With Egypt reaching out to Israeli foes and the Palestinian agreement to work together Israel’s policy of division is in tatters.

 Common Ground News Service

Tawakkul Karman: The Woman Leading Yemen’s Protests

Tawakkul Karman: The Woman Leading Yemen’s Protests

ALICE HACKMAN: She has been profiled by leading international publications but long before the world discovered Tawakkul Karman she was battling fearlessly in support of human rights.

 The Moor Next Door

Suicide Sparks Unrest, Spreads throughout Tunisia

Suicide Sparks Unrest, Spreads throughout Tunisia

THE MOOR NEXT DOOR: Following the suicide of a young, unemployed man in Sidi Bouzid, demonstrations have broken out all over Tunisia.

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

Is an arranged marriage the answer to my prayers?

Is an arranged marriage the answer to my prayers?

SHELINA ZAHRED JANMOHAMMED: Arranged marriages are a pro-active approach to finding a spouse, where the community, family and individual work together to locate someone who will make a life partner.