Jonathan Cook

Israel’s Systematic Destruction of Palestine’s Mosques

Israel’s Systematic Destruction of Palestine’s Mosques

JONATHAN COOK: Proof that Israel has been engaging in a proactive campaign to destroy Islamic places of worship under its control is there for all to see.

 Omar al-Issawi

People of the Book: Damning the Exodus of Christians

People of the Book: Damning the Exodus of Christians

OMAR AL ISSAWI: The latest round of sectarian strife in Egypt is not about sectarian confrontation. It is about ignorance.


Ibn ‘Big Ben’ Casts its Shadow over Mecca

Ibn ‘Big Ben’ Casts its Shadow over Mecca

DANIEL MARTIN VARISCO: One understands the need to provide hotel rooms for the faithful, but Gucci bags?

 James M. Dorsey

Reform in Saudi Arabia: A Battle of the Fatwas

Reform in Saudi Arabia: A Battle of the Fatwas

JAMES M. DORSEY: Abdullah appears to be gaining the upper hand in his battle to push through sweeping legal reform and codification of Saudi law to meet World human rights standards.