Added on 08/08/2012
Jonathan Cook
Al Qaeda , Amira Hass , Ariel Sharon , Army , Avigdor Lieberman , Ben Gurion University , Benedict XVI , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bethlehem , central Israel , Christmas , Civil Administration , councillor , David Ben Gurion , Easter , Electricity , Ethiopia , first prime minister , Foreign media , Gaza , geographer , George W. Bush , Germany , God , Haifa , Haifa University , High Court , Housing Minister , Human Rights Association , Israel , Israeli army , Israeli government , Israeli parliament , Israeli police , Israel’s military , Jaffa , Jerusalem , Jesus , Jewish National Fund , Jews , Jordan , Journalist , Lebanon , London , Media coverage , military governor , Nazareth , Negev , Oslo , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Rabbi , Rabin , Rubber bullets , Russia , Sea of Galilee , Security services , Shimon Gapso , Shin Bet , Somalia , Soviet Union , Syria , Tel Aviv , United Nations , United States , West Bank
JONATHAN COOK: … Expropriations would become a staple of life over the next three decades as more than 70 per cent of the land belonging to Palestinians was nationalized
Added on 20/07/2012
Abu Muhammed
Catholic Church , Easter , Philadelphia , Ramadan , Saudi Arabia , Tokyo
ABU MUHAMMED: if you really want to know when Ramadan begins do what many of us do–go out on the 28th of Shaaban just before sunset and look for the new moon.
Added on 17/04/2012
Alexander McNabb
Christmas , Easter , Education , Gulf News , UAE , United Arab Emirates
ALEXANDER MCNABB: Teachers will be torn between exasperation at having to fit so much more in and glee at getting (even) longer holidays.
Added on 09/04/2012
mai abdul rahman
Christian Palestinian , Christian Palestinians , Congress , Easter , Episcopal church , Florida , Funding , Gaza , Irving Moskowitz , Israel , Jerusalem , Olive oil , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Protestant Episcopal Church , United States , United States Agency for International Development , West Bank
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: They too now have a glimpse of the wrath of Congress and their funders for daring to speak against the occupation
Added on 08/04/2012
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Christmas , Easter , Eid , The National , United Arab Emirates
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Bunnies are cute, chocolate tasty. It’s true there’s a gap for a Chocoholic Sunday – but not on Easter Sunday.
Added on 28/10/2011
Abu Dhabi , Al Hamra , Al-Hijrah , Amman , Beirut , Blue Mosque , Christmas , Cyprus , Damascus , Dubai , Dubai Mall , Easter , Eid , Eid Al- Fitr , Eid Al-Adha , Food and Drink , India , Islamic New Year , Istanbul , Kerala , Muscat , New Year's Day , Oman , Photos , Sofia , Sri Lanka , Tunis , UAE's National Day , Umbria , United Arab Emirates
THE HEDONISTA: Eid al Adha has been my favourite – the last few years it has fallen far enough out of summer it occurs with the change of season.
Added on 11/05/2011
Omar al-Issawi
Afghanistan , Al Ahram , Algeria , Anwar Sadat , Beirut , Christianity , Christmas , Easter , Egypt , Europe , Gamal Abdul Nasser , Grand Mosque , Hamas , Hizballah , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Lebanon , Libya , Mecca , Michel Aflaq , Middle East , Oil , Osama Bin Laden , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Peace , President , Salah Al Bitar , Spain , Sudan , Syria , Tehran , the Egyptian daily , Turkey , United States , US House of Representatives , Yasser Arafat
OMAR AL ISSAWI: The latest round of sectarian strife in Egypt is not about sectarian confrontation. It is about ignorance.
Added on 02/05/2011
Easter , Facebook , IDF , Israel , Israeli government , Israeli military , Jerusalem , Mobile Phones , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , Passover , Qalandiya checkpoint , Ramallah , Red Crescent , the Palestine Chronicle , United Kingdom , West Bank
LAUREN: “Tourists will see, firsthand, what Israel does not want internationals to see: the humiliation and degradation that takes place at checkpoints. They will be treated as animals as well…”
Added on 20/12/2010
Steve Royston
Ashoura , Bahrain , Christmas , Colorado , Damascus , Easter , Iran , Iraq , Manama , Middle East , Mohamed , Muharram , Ottoman Court , Print media , Ramadan , Red Sea , Taliban , YouTube
STEVE ROYSTON – In the two hours I listened, I couldn’t begin to understand the intricacies. But I was struck by the gentle emotion, and parallels to Easter.