Added on 06/12/2012
David Roberts
Kuwait , Kuwait’s Parliament
DAVID ROBERTS: The number of people protesting has gone down dramatically and there is a good chance that the Parliament may even get something done.
Added on 19/05/2012
Francis Matthew
Bahrain , Europe , European Union , GCC , GCC Union , Gulf Cooperation Council , Gulf News , Iran , Kuwait , Kuwait’s Parliament , Political systems , Saud al-Faisal , Saudi Arabia , UAE University , United Arab Emirates
FRANCIS MATTHEW: It’s likely to succeed if it focuses on ways to make the existing GCC work better, rather than offer any new political structure.
Added on 03/05/2012
David Roberts
Abdullah , Abu Dhabi , America , Arab Gulf , Bahrain , Doha , Dubai , Emir , European Union , Formula 1 , GCC , GCC Union , Gulf Cooperation Council , Gulf Union , Hamad al-Thani , Iran , Iraq , Kuwait , Kuwait’s Parliament , Levant , Manama , Middle East , oil fields , Oman , Qatar , Riyadh , Saud al-Faisal , Saudi Arabia , Saudi Arabian National Guard , Tehran , UAE , United Arab Emirates , United States
DAVID ROBERTS: There will be fine talk and likely a positive joint statement will be issued but no firm action will be agreed.
Added on 09/07/2011
David Roberts
Abu Dhabi , Bahrain , Crown Prince , Democracy , Emir , Foreign Affairs , Gulf News , Iran , Kuwait , Kuwait’s Parliament , Minister of the Interior , MP , Prime Minister , Reuters , Sabah Al Sabah , Saudi Arabia , Shiaa , Spy , Tehran
DAVID ROBERTS: Kuwait’s Parliament is undergoing another crisis. What are the key issues which so frequently flare-up and cause such anguish?