Ramzy Baroud

Scratch, Scratch: The Western Itch To Intervene Is Insatiable

Scratch, Scratch: The Western Itch To Intervene Is Insatiable

RAMZY BAROUD: You can be sure that whatever turmoil is happening in the Middle East the hands of the West will be present

 Ramzy Baroud

Turkey and Israel: A Thaw’s In the Air

Turkey and Israel: A Thaw’s In the Air

RAMZY BAROUD: There are unmistakeable signs that the atmosphere between Turkey and Israel is becoming distinctly warmer

 Juan Cole

Obama’s Speech: Is Era of ‘Perpetual War’ Closing?

Obama’s Speech: Is Era of ‘Perpetual War’ Closing?

JUAN COLE: President Obama’s inauguration speech is sure to trigger panic among the ‘we must have war’ crowd. But does he really mean it?


For ‘Tribal Areas’ Read ‘Wild West’: Myth and Reality

For ‘Tribal Areas’ Read ‘Wild West’: Myth and Reality

KHALED FATTAH, TABSIR: There is a lazy shorthand in much Western reporting on the Middle East, particularly when it comes to describing the influence of tribes

 The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Facebook’s Terrorist “Honey Traps”: Beware Attractive Women

Facebook’s Terrorist “Honey Traps”:  Beware Attractive Women

TBIJ: As the fight against terrorism moves from the real battlefield to the cyber battlefield a whole new array of issues are going to have to be managed.

 Juan Cole

Israel Apartheid, Avalon and the Smell of Fear

Israel Apartheid, Avalon and the Smell of Fear

JUAN COLE: Ayalon’s despererate and over-the-top rhetoric smells of fear, fear that when South Africa calls you on Apartheid policies, it legitimizes that critique of the Greater Israel project…

 The View From Fez

Mali Islamist Threat That Could Engulf Morocco

Mali Islamist Threat That Could Engulf Morocco

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: While international attention is focused on Syria events in the Maghreb are threatening to spin out of control

 Francis Matthew

China’s Influence Based on ‘Failure to Engage’

China’s Influence Based on ‘Failure to Engage’

FRANCIS MATTHEW: Arab concerns are largely irrelevant to the Chinese as Beijing looks to reinforce its self-perception as the premier Asian power.


The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire


When Will West Have Its ‘Road to Damascus’ Moment?

When Will West Have Its ‘Road to Damascus’ Moment?

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The only narrative seems to be ‘we can’t get involved in Syria because we’ll create another Iran’. There are alternative scenarios

 Francis Matthew

NATO: A North American Strike Force?

NATO: A North American Strike Force?

FRANCIS MATTHEW: It is sad young Arabs and Muslims see NATO as an expeditionary force striking at the convenience of the White House

 Juan Cole

‘Give Muslims A Hiroshima’: Pentagon’s Curious Class

‘Give Muslims A Hiroshima’: Pentagon’s Curious Class

JUAN COLE: The Pentagon has launched an investigation into a class on Islam which characterises all Muslims as radical, violent extremists

 James M. Dorsey

The Rise and Rise of Turkey: Problems Ahead?

The Rise and Rise of Turkey: Problems Ahead?

JAMES M. DORSEY: Held up as a model of a modern Islamic state Turkey faces some formidable difficulties

 Ramzy Baroud

Hamas: Between Politics and Principles

Hamas: Between Politics and Principles

RAMZY BAROUD: Hamas might be reinventing itself, or it may simply be trying to weather the storm. Either way, it is quickly leaving its traditional home.

 Michael J. Totten

To Tunisia: The Arab Spring’s ‘Bellwether’

To Tunisia: The Arab Spring’s ‘Bellwether’

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Largely forgotten in the West, Tunisia is where the great movements and ideas of the Arab Spring are fighting a huge battle.

 Ramzy Baroud

U.S., China: A Cold War in Warm Waters

U.S., China: A Cold War in Warm Waters

RAMZY BAROUD: Leaders of adjacent countries might find themselves forced to choose sides in a conflict over resources and military presence.

 Naseem Tarawnah

Army: Making Jordan’s Mass Employer Pay

Army: Making Jordan’s Mass Employer Pay

NASEEM TARAWNAH: With 100,000 active personnel, nearly 65,000 in reserve , and household sizes of 5.4 that’s 891,000 people linked to the army’s payroll.

 Syria News Wire

What Happens When Journalists Want War

What Happens When Journalists Want War

NEWS FROM SYRIA: Christopher Hitchens famously did it with Iraq and now his friend Nick Cohen is doing the same on Syria – advocating for war.

 Juan Cole

The Top Five Foreign Policy Changes That Face the United States in 2012

The Top Five Foreign Policy Changes That Face the United States in 2012

JUAN COLE: Many of the dangers to which I pointed in last year’s list still exist, of course, but a whole host of new difficulties has emerged.

 Juan Cole

‘All Praise to George W. Bush’: The Top Ten Myths of the Arab Spring

‘All Praise to George W. Bush’: The Top Ten Myths of the Arab Spring

JUAN COLE: So much that is misinformed, over-hyped and simply plain wrong has been written about the Arab Spring. So let’s sort the wheat from the chaff.

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