Added on 12/05/2011
Alan Dershowitz , Australia , Berlin , Center for American Progress , Congress , Ehud Barak , Haaretz , Hamas , Hizballah , Iran , Iranian government , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Israel Defense Forces , Israel Radio , Jeffrey Goldberg , Jordan , Labour Party , Matt Duss , Memorial Day , Middle East , Netanyahu , New America Foundation , Pakistan , Palestine , Pentagon , President , Prime Minister , Shimon Peres , South Africa , Steve Clemons , Tehran , U.S. intelligence , United States , United States government , Washington Institute , Washington Institute for Near East Policy

MONDOWEISS: If Iran ever acquired nuclear weapons would it launch an attack on Israel? “Not on us and not on any neighbor.” The speaker? Ehud Barak…
Added on 15/12/2010
Remona Aly
BBC , Common Ground News Service , Europe , Islam , London , Media outlets , Mehdi Hasan , Memorial Day , Mexico , Middle East , New York , New Zealand , Poet , Public Relations , Social networking , United Kingdom , United States

REMONA ALY: A bold initiative by young Muslim professionals to improve Britons’ view of Islam has sparked much debate. It may also be a template worth copying.