Added on 07/05/2012
Alexander McNabb
Food and Drink , Kerala , UAE

ALEXANDER MCNABB: We all have our ‘guilty pleasures’ when it comes to food. Mine’s the Kerala poppadum
Added on 28/10/2011
Abu Dhabi , Al Hamra , Al-Hijrah , Amman , Beirut , Blue Mosque , Christmas , Cyprus , Damascus , Dubai , Dubai Mall , Easter , Eid , Eid Al- Fitr , Eid Al-Adha , Food and Drink , India , Islamic New Year , Istanbul , Kerala , Muscat , New Year's Day , Oman , Photos , Sofia , Sri Lanka , Tunis , UAE's National Day , Umbria , United Arab Emirates

THE HEDONISTA: Eid al Adha has been my favourite – the last few years it has fallen far enough out of summer it occurs with the change of season.
Added on 04/05/2011
American Bedu
Afghanistan , Africa , Algeria , America , Arabian Peninsula , Azerbaijan , Bahrain , Balkans , Bangladesh , Brunei , Central Asia , Egypt , Germany , India , Indonesia , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Jordan , Kenya , Kerala , Kuwait , Lebanon , Libya , Malaysia , Maldives , messenger , Middle East , Morocco , Muslim , Nigeria , Pakistan , Palestinian Territories , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Singapore , Somalia , Sri Lanka , Sudan , Syria , Tanzania , Tunisia , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , Yemen

AMERICAN BEDU: It’s a topic that seems, more often than not, to generate more heat than light but here’s my attempt to define a Muslim.
Added on 16/04/2011
Rachel McArthur
Doha , Kerala , Social networking , Twitter , UAE , United Arab Emirates

RACHEL MCARTHUR: This week, Twitter announced it was expanding its local trends feature, adding 70 new countries and cities – one of which is the UAE.
Added on 07/03/2011
Steve Royston
Ali Shah , Egypt , Employment , Google+ , Kerala , Labour , Libya , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , South Asia , Starbucks , Unemployment

STEVE ROYSTON: Low-paid migrant workers keep their host countries running by doing the jobs that the locals refuse to do. Their presence is resented by many.