
 Richard Silverstein

Western Liberals and their ‘Problem’ with “Muslim Rage”

Western Liberals and their ‘Problem’ with “Muslim Rage”

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: We’re [Christians and Jews] above that sort of blood-letting. We solve our differences civilly through debate and the free exchange of ideas. As if…

 Rob L. Wagner

The Laws to ‘Hit Hate’ Are There. Enforcement Please.

The Laws to ‘Hit Hate’ Are There. Enforcement Please.

ROB L. WAGNER: In France they have laws to deal with hate speech but they’re applied inconsistently. In many ways France is a good example to other countries

 The View From Fez

Restoring the Glory of Fez: A ‘Capital Idea?’

Restoring the Glory of Fez: A ‘Capital Idea?’

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: It has enjoyed a glorious past but faces a very uncertain future. There’s a case to be made for restoring Fez as Morocco’s capital city.

 Juan Cole

Enough: Libyans Drive Fundamentalists Out of Benghazi

Enough: Libyans Drive Fundamentalists Out of Benghazi

JUAN COLE: The attack on the US consulate in Benghazi seems to have been a turning point for the people of Benghazi.

 Common Ground News Service

Wessam al-Badry: An Uncompromising Photographer

Wessam al-Badry: An Uncompromising Photographer

ENGY ABDELKADER, CGNEWS: He grew up a refugee in Saudi Arabia and photojournalists became his superheroes. Now he’s a photographer himself


Turbanned, Bearded and Angry: Western Media on Islam

Turbanned, Bearded and Angry: Western Media on Islam

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The Newsweek cover this week is lazy and sensationalist. Not a lot has changed since Edward Said wrote a famous essay 30 years ago.

 Rob L. Wagner

Is It A ‘Right to Free Speech’ Or A ‘Right to Incite’?

Is It A ‘Right to Free Speech’ Or A ‘Right to Incite’?

ROB L. WAGNER: The makers of the film have been clear about their intentions in making it – to incite violence. What rights should they have?

 Juan Cole

Top Ten Consequences of Today’s Regional Turmoil

Top Ten Consequences of Today’s Regional Turmoil

JUAN COLE: ‘A collapse in tourism’, ‘improvement in Barack Obama’s election chances’ – two of the the most significant predicted outcomes of the crises enveloping the Middle East

 mai abdul rahman

‘This Hateful Movie Is Not Worth A Drop of Blood’

‘This Hateful Movie Is Not Worth A Drop of Blood’

And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?

 Richard Silverstein

Israel Master, U.S. the Poodle: How did this Happen?

Israel Master, U.S. the Poodle: How did this Happen?

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Previous presidents would make sure, for the sake of their own prestige and stature, that they put such chutzpah in its place. Not this president.

 The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Facebook’s Terrorist “Honey Traps”: Beware Attractive Women

Facebook’s Terrorist “Honey Traps”:  Beware Attractive Women

TBIJ: As the fight against terrorism moves from the real battlefield to the cyber battlefield a whole new array of issues are going to have to be managed.


It’s Simple: Americans Don’t Want War With Iran

It’s Simple: Americans Don’t Want War With Iran

PHLIP WEISS: The Israeli lobby is taking a pummelling at the moment as leading commentators stand up to confront it. Is this a real turning point?

 Juan Cole

Benghazi Attack: Romney Gets It Badly Wrong

Benghazi Attack: Romney Gets It Badly Wrong

JUAN COLE: His comments were hasty, distasteful and unwise. Can we afford to have an individual with such poor judgement in the White House?

 Alexander McNabb

Censored: Jordan Extinguishes Internet Freedom

Censored: Jordan Extinguishes Internet Freedom

ALEXANDER MCNABB: The vote was carried by 69 attending parliamentarians, with a significant number walking out in protest.

 Susan Al Shahri

My 10-Point Plan To Rid Oman’s Roads of Carnage

My 10-Point Plan To Rid Oman’s Roads of Carnage

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: Enforcement of rules is essential if the daily horror that occurs on Oman’s roads is to be minimised. Here are my suggestions.

 Rob L. Wagner

‘No Religious Education’ At Heart of U.S Intolerance

‘No Religious Education’ At Heart of U.S Intolerance

ROB L. WAGNER: If you fail to educate your children about religion, its place in society and the need to respect the beliefs of others it’s clear where your society is headed here has been a constant lack of investment by

 Crossroads Arabia

Could Saudi Arabia become a Net Oil Importer?

Could Saudi Arabia become a Net Oil Importer?

CROSSROADS ARABIA: If the rate continues as it is going, Saudi Arabia could be a net importer of oil in 17 years’ time. That’s plausible, based on the figures, but unlikely…

 Steve Royston

US Elections: 10 Subjects Obama and Romney Won’t Debate

US Elections: 10 Subjects Obama and Romney Won’t Debate

STEVE ROYSTON: Preparation involves coming up with diversionary tactics whenever the question is likely to produce a response unpalatable to the listening millions.

 Susie of Arabia

Jeddah: The Sculptural Capital of the Arab World

Jeddah: The Sculptural Capital of the Arab World

SUSIE OF ARABIA: It’s a little known fact but the original work of some of the world’s most famous sculptors is scattered throughout the Saudi port city.


Is Rachel Corrie the ‘Anne Frank’ Of Our Time?

Is Rachel Corrie the ‘Anne Frank’ Of Our Time?

JENNIFER LOEWENSTEIN, MONDOWEISS: Both individuals wrote diaries about their experience of oppression. Only one, however, is globally celebrated.

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