Added on 12/09/2013
Common Ground News Service
AIDS denialism , Chadian–Libyan conflict , Gaddafi family , Libya , Libyan government , Military dictatorship , Muammar Gaddafi , Pan-Africanism , Political geography , Politics , Social Media

MAROUANE BAKIT, CGNEWS: Rumor is the new currency in post-revolutionary Libya. Its effects are widespread and damaging.
Added on 22/09/2012
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Al-Hayat , Arab Spring , Benghazi , Chris Stevens , Interior Ministry , Libya , Libyan government , Ministry of Defense , Ministry of the Interior , Muammar Qaddafi , Muslim Brotherhood , The US ambassador , United States

JUAN COLE: The attack on the US consulate in Benghazi seems to have been a turning point for the people of Benghazi.
Added on 13/09/2012
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , al-Masry al-Yawm , Benghazi , Cairo , Department of State , Egypt , Garden City , Hosni Mubarak , Ku Klux Klan , Libya , Libyan government , Mitt Romney , Mohammed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , Obama administration , President , Prime Minister , Red Cross , Republican presidential candidate , Sam Bacile , Sinai , Tahrir Square , Terry Jones , The US ambassador , United States , US embassy in Cairo , West Bank , YouTube

JUAN COLE: His comments were hasty, distasteful and unwise. Can we afford to have an individual with such poor judgement in the White House?
Added on 06/09/2011
The Moor Next Door
Africa , African Union , Algeria , Algerian government , Arab League , China , Europe , Libya , Libyan government , Morocco , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Qaddafi , Russia , Sahara , South Africa , The Maghreb , United States , Western Sahara

TMND: It’s becoming clearer by the day that Algeria played a key role in supporting the Qadhafi regime, particularly in its dark, late days. The Algerians face some very uncomfortable questions
Added on 27/08/2011
The Moor Next Door
America , Barack Obama , George Bush , Iraq , Libya , Libyan government , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama administration , President , Steve Clemons , Susan Rice , The National Interest , U.S. military , United States

THE MOORE NEXT DOOR: The incentive to exaggerate America’s role is high on one side; the opposite push to down play its overall relevance will grow.
Added on 29/03/2011
Abu Salim prison , California , Colonel , Human Rights Watch , Libya , Libyan government , Los Angeles , Middle East , Muammar Gaddafi , Tripoli

TASBEEH HERWEES, SUHAIBWEBB: The memories of that summer come rushing back. It was, after all, the Abu Salim families who kick-started this revolution.
Added on 23/03/2011
Afghanistan , Africa , Al Qaeda , Amr Moussa , Arab League , Bahrain , Central Asia , Europe , Food and Drink , Gaza , humanitarian law , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Libya , Libyan government , Middle East , Obama administration , Oil , Pakistan , Persian Gulf , Tripoli , United States , Washington , Yemen

ISSA KHALAF, MONDOWEISS: The price of military intervention always comes at a higher price than initially anticipated. Can the United States afford to intervene in Libya?