Added on 18/09/2012
America , Anders Behring Breivik , Cairo , CNN , Edward Said , Egypt , Gaza , Hamas , Islam , Journalism , Kate Middleton , Libya , Media coverage , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Newsweek , Obama administration , Osama Bin Laden , princess , Rupert Murdoch , Salman Rushdie , Terry Jones , United States , YouTube

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The Newsweek cover this week is lazy and sensationalist. Not a lot has changed since Edward Said wrote a famous essay 30 years ago.
Added on 10/05/2012
Crossroads Arabia
Art , Collector , Edward Said , Majalla , Middle East , Orientalism

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Orientalism was a two-way street, with information, opinion, and observations flowing between observer and observed.
Added on 14/04/2012
Addis Ababa , Cairo , Chile , Denmark , Edward Said , Egypt , future president , Hamlet , Ibrahim Jabra , India , Kenya , Latin America , Literature , Nasser , Omar Sharif , Oxford , Sadat , South Asia , Stalin , Syria , Tanzania , West Africa , Yusuf al-Qaradawi

HUSSEIN OMAR, ARABLIT: Nasser had a ‘Caesar Complex’ but for Egyptians and many other Arabs there’s only one Shakespearean hero.
Added on 15/09/2011
Arab Spring , Bernard Lewis , Democracy , Edward Said , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Europe , Jerusalem , Libya , Middle East , Syria , The Jerusalem Post , Tunisia , Women , Yemen

DANIEL M. VARISCO: Here we go again. ‘Orientalist Historian Takes Warped Freudian View of Entire Arab population.’ Hmm, what about all those women who were in Tahrir Square?
Added on 31/07/2011
AUC Press , Edward Said , Egypt , Literature , Poet

M. LYNX-QUALEY: While conducting some ‘centenary research’ I came across the lecture Mahfouz delivered when accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Added on 21/04/2011
Al Ahram Weekly , Alexandria , Arabian Gulf , AUC Press , Bahaa Taher , Bahrain , Beirut , Cairo , Catherine Cobham , Christina Phillips , Columbia University , Denys Johnson-Davies , Editor-in-Chief , Edward Said , Egypt , Elias Khoury , Emile Habibi , Gamal al-Ghitani , Ghassan Kanafani , Google+ , Haifa , Hanan al-Shaykh , Hassan Nasrallah , Humphrey Davies , Ibrahim Abdel Meguid , Ibrahim al-Koni , Ibrahim Aslan , Ibrahim Jabra , Indiana University , Iraq , Islah party , Italy , Khairy Shalaby , Kuwait , Literature , Minister of Information , Morocco , Mourid Barghouti , Naguib Mahfouz , Novelist , Paris , Peter Theroux , Qatar , Radwa Ashour , Rashad Abu Shawar , Salwa Bakr , Samia Mehrez , Shakir Mustafa , Syracuse University , Syria , Tawfiq al-Hakim , United Kingdom , William Hutchins , Yemen Times , Yusuf Idris

M. LYNX-QUALEY: The Arab Writers Union has listed the Top 100 Arabic novels. Puzzling, annoying, lists such as this are nevertheless fun.
Added on 12/12/2010
Sultan Al Qassemi
Abu Dhabi , Crown Prince , Dubai , Edward Said , FIFA , Fifa World Cup , Kuwait , Media outlets , Qatar , Social Media , The National , United Arab Emirates

SULTAN AL QASSEMI: Public intellectuals reflect the conscience of society and should not be regarded as a threat, but as part and parcel of the community.