Added on 09/09/2012
Crossroads Arabia
Citibank , Citigroup , electricity consumption , Energy , Gulf Cooperation Council , Japan , Jeddah , mass transportation , Oil , oil consumption , Oil exporter , Oil production , oil revenue , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , South Korea , The Arab News , United States

CROSSROADS ARABIA: If the rate continues as it is going, Saudi Arabia could be a net importer of oil in 17 years’ time. That’s plausible, based on the figures, but unlikely…
Added on 13/03/2012
Crossroads Arabia
Electricity , Energy , International Atomic Energy Agency , Japan , Natural gas , Oil , oil consumption , Oil production , Oil supplies , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Solar energy , South Korea , United States

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Saudi citizens consume more than four times the amount of oil as their U.S counterparts. It can’t go on.