Added on 14/09/2011
Crossroads Arabia
9/11 , Abdullah , Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Crown Prince , Iraq , Mecca , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Terrorism , United States
CROSSROADS ARABIA: When Saudi awoke, it acted decisively. Its war against Al-Qaeda was successful in driving the group out of the Kingdom, though at some cost.
Added on 12/09/2011
Juan Cole
9/11 , Abdel Bari Atwan , Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Barack Obama , Ben Ali , Bin Laden , Bush Administration , Cairo , Central Intelligence Agency , Dick Cheney , Donald Rumsfeld , Egypt , George W. Bush , Hosni Mubarak , Iraq , Israel , Journalist , Libya , Martin Luther King Jr. , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Mustafa Abdel Jalil , national government , Northern Pakistan , oil fields , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Palestinian Territories , Pentagon , President , Ronald Reagan , Saudi Arabia , Sayyid Qutb , Tahrir Square , Taliban , Tunisia , United Nations , United States , US government , Washington , Western Europe , Yemen
JUAN COLE: Al Qaeda’s vision for the Arab World has been comprehensively rejected. It appears that Arabs – in particular, young Arabs – are prepared to put their lives on the line, not for a Caliphate, but for parliamentary democracy.
Added on 11/09/2011
mai abdul rahman
9/11 , Department of Homeland Security , Department of State , Facebook , Federal Bureau of Investigation , Terrorism , United States
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: Muslim Americans are also mourning the loss of our belief in the ideal of a country that would protect our constitutional rights.
Added on 07/09/2011
Common Ground News Service
9/11 , Africa , Al Qaeda , Democracy , Egypt , Hassan bin Talal , Jordan , Middle East , Palestinian Territories , Tunisia , United States
HRH PRINCE EL HASSAN BIN TALAL, CGNEWS: It’s been a tumultuous decade defined in large part by violence and death but how different is the Middle East today?
Added on 06/09/2011
American Bedu
9/11 , America , Associated Press , Caribbean , Central Intelligence Agency , DC , India , John F Kennedy , Middle East , New Delhi , Pakistan , Saudi Arabia , Saudi Embassy , United States , Virginia , Washington , World Trade Center
AMERICAN BEDU: I was in CIA Headquarters in Virginia and my soon-to-be Saudi husband was in Pakistan on the day the whole world remembers.
Added on 03/09/2011
9/11 , Afghanistan , America , Bin Laden , Hawaii , Islam , Lenin , Mexico , Middle East , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Philippines , Puerto Rico , Spain , Twin Towers , United States
DANIEL M. VARISCO: “We Shall Never Forget” is a masterpiece in truth-twisting and bigotry. The bad news is that it’s a coloring book aimed at U.S. children.
Added on 16/12/2010
Michael J. Totten
9/11 , America , American government , Belgium , Berlin , Conspiracy Theories , Europe , New York , Saddam Hussein , U.S. government , United States , Washington
MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: In Europe the lunatic fringe is going mainstream. Maddening as this is, I really do worry for them. I’m beginning to think something terrible might happen.