Added on 11/01/2013
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Bush Administration , Central Intelligence Agency , Cuba , Dick Cheney , George W. Bush , Movies , Obama administration , Osama Bin Laden , President , United States , World Trade Center
KAREN J. GREENBERG, INFORMED COMMENT: It’s a deeply flawed movie with a deeply troubling message – torture is great.
Added on 15/08/2012
Rob L. Wagner
America , Anders Breivik , Arizona , Barack Obama , California , Colin Powell , David Horowitz , Federal Bureau of Investigation , Islam , Michelle Bachmann , Minnesota , New York , Norway , Pamela Geller , Pennsylvania , Peter King , President , Republican representative , Robert Spencer , The New York Times , United States , Wisconsin , World Trade Center
ROB L. WAGNER: In the United States ‘Muslim’ equals ‘Terror’ to a huge number of its citizens hence the increasing influence of Islamophobes
Added on 03/07/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Ahmed Shafiq , Al Qaeda , America , Bashar al-Assad , Bush Administration , Condoleezza Rice , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Egyptian parliament , Freedom and Justice Party , George Bush , Hamas , Hizballah , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Justice Party , Middle East , Mohammed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood , Northern Ireland , Obama , Obama administration , President , Secretary of State , Sinai Peninsula , Syria , Syrian government , Tahrir Square , United States , Washington , White House , World Trade Center
ROB L. WAGNER: There’s no doubt that alarm bells were ringing in Washington with the news of Morsi’s election. It does, though, present an opportunity
Added on 03/07/2012
Afghanistan , America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bernard Lewis , Cairo , Clinton , East Africa , Egypt , Europe , Federal Bureau of Investigation , George Bush , George W. Bush , Ground Zero mosque , Hamas , Hiroshima , Hizballah , Iraq , Islam , Islamophobia , Israel , Jerusalem , Lebanon , legal systems , Libya , Likud Party , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Nagasaki , New York city , New York Times , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Obama administration , Pakistan , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Peter King , President , Rutgers University , Secretary of State , Somalia , Soviet Union , the Associated Press , The New York Times , United States , Washington DC , World Trade Center , Yemen
ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire
Added on 21/05/2012
Energy , Europe , Israel , Manal Al Sharif , Oslo , Palestinian Territories , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Twitter , United States , Women , Women's issues , World Trade Center
EMAN AL NAFJAN: The 17 minute speech that Manal Al Sharif delivered on receiving the Vaclav Havel Prize last week has unleashed a hail of vitriol
Added on 06/09/2011
American Bedu
9/11 , America , Associated Press , Caribbean , Central Intelligence Agency , DC , India , John F Kennedy , Middle East , New Delhi , Pakistan , Saudi Arabia , Saudi Embassy , United States , Virginia , Washington , World Trade Center
AMERICAN BEDU: I was in CIA Headquarters in Virginia and my soon-to-be Saudi husband was in Pakistan on the day the whole world remembers.
Added on 01/08/2011
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Anders Behring Breivik , Cambridge University , chancellor , Christmas , Europe , Food and Drink , Islam , Islamaphobia , Muslims , Norway , Oklahoma , Prime Minister , Racism , United Kingdom , World Trade Center
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Last week’s horror has the potential to change the discourse again, away from anti-Muslim sentiment.