Added on 16/10/2013
Al Qaeda , Central Intelligence Agency , Drone attacks in Pakistan , Government , Government of Afghanistan , Islam , Islamism , Nabila , Organized crime , Pakistan , Politics , Politics of Afghanistan , President , Taliban , Unmanned aerial vehicle , War in Afghanistan , War on Terror
MONDOWEISS: In an open letter to President Obama a young Pakistani woman welcomes his meeting with Malala but asks about victims of U.S drone strikes
Added on 22/07/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Afghan Civil War , Al Qaeda , Allegations of support system in Pakistan for Osama bin Laden , Central Intelligence Agency , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Politics , Reactions to the death of Osama bin Laden , Religion , September 11 attacks , United States , US government , US military , US National Security Agency , War in Afghanistan , War on Terror
RAMZY BAROUD: Hard to win and lost in an instant, it’s trust. The U.S seems to be unconcerned about its diminishing reputation in the world
Added on 15/06/2013
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Algeria , Asia , Bill Clinton , Chemical weapons , Damascus , Foreign policy of the Bill Clinton administration , France , Hillary Rodham Clinton , Iran , Obama , Osama Bin Laden , Politics , Politics of Syria , Politics of the United States , President , Protests in Syria , Syria , Syrian uprising , United States , War in Afghanistan , War/Conflict
JUAN COLE: Bill Clinton has criticised President Obama for not providing stronger military support for the Syrian opposition. His own record on military intervention isn’t so good.
Added on 24/05/2013
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Barack Obama , Barack Obama foreign policy , Central Intelligence Agency , Congress , Drone attacks in Pakistan , Government , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Islamism , Obama , Politics , President , United States , Unmanned aerial vehicle , US government , War in Afghanistan
JUAN COLE: Some praise is due but Obama remains wedded to the idea that extra-judicial assassination is an effective counter-terror tool.