Added on 01/08/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Belgium , Brookings Institution , Europe , European Union , France , Geert Wilders , Germany , Islam , Netherlands , Paris , Switzerland , Taliban , The Netherlands , United Kingdom , Western Europe

ROB L. WAGNER: They provide an easy scapegoat for right-wing politicians looking to attribute blame for economic woes. Assimilation or integration?
Added on 25/05/2012
Francis Matthew
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Colin Powell , Eastern Europe , Europe , European Union , George W. Bush , Iraq , Italy , KGB , Libya , NATO , North America , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Paranoia , political solutions , Putin , Russia , Syria , Taliban , United Nations , United States , west Germany , Western Europe , White House , Yugoslavia

FRANCIS MATTHEW: It is sad young Arabs and Muslims see NATO as an expeditionary force striking at the convenience of the White House
Added on 28/01/2012
Steve Royston
Apple , Bahrain , Bill Gates , China , David Beckham , Davos , Economics , Egypt , Europe , Fidel Castro , film maker , Glenn Beck , Internal Revenue Service , London , London School of Economics , Malta , Manufacturing , Middle East , Mobile Phones , Qatar , Rome , Saudi Arabia , Switzerland , Tea Party , travel document , United Kingdom , United States , US government , Warren Buffett , Western Europe

STEVE ROYSTON: An Angell visited the other day. Not one with wings, but a Welshman with a biting tongue and the rhetorical skills of David Lloyd George.
Added on 30/12/2011
Juan Cole
Abdullah , Al Qaeda , Algeria , Ali Abdullah Saleh , Ali Khamenei , Arab Spring , Ayman al-Zawahiri , Baath Party in Syria , Bahrain , Balkans , Ben Ali , Binyamin Netanyahu , Bush Administration , David Cameron , Democracy , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Europe , France , G8 , Gaza , George W. Bush , Hamas , Hillary Clinton , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Joe Biden , Libya , Manama , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Misrata , Moncef Marzouki , Morocco , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Saddam Hussein , Saudi Arabia , School of Oriental and African Studies , Social services , Supreme , Suzanne Mubarak , Syria , Syrian National Council , Tahrir Square , Tel Aviv , Tunisia , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States , Washington , West Bank , Western Europe , Western Mountain region , Yemen

JUAN COLE: So much that is misinformed, over-hyped and simply plain wrong has been written about the Arab Spring. So let’s sort the wheat from the chaff.
Added on 11/12/2011
Rob L. Wagner
Canada , Crime , France , Imam University , Interior Ministry , Middle East , Ministry of Interior , Ministry of Justice , Ohio , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , United States , Western Europe

ROB L. WAGNER: The moves have been under-reported in the Kingdom but they mark a significant change in thinking about how to deal with petty crime.
Added on 25/11/2011
Juan Cole
Avigdor Lieberman , Barack Obama , Ben Ali , Benyamin Netanyahu , Binyamin Netanyahu , Egypt , Egyptian military , Gaza , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Israeli parliament , John Stuart Mill , King David Hotel , Larry Derfner , Likud Party , Moncef Marzouki , Muslim Brotherhood , Muslim party , President , Prime Minister , Stern Gang , Tahrir Square , The Jerusalem Post , Tunisia , Tunisian government , United States , Washington , West Bank , Western Europe

JUAN COLE: If there’s one person you can count on to mis-read virtually every aspect of developments in the Middle East today it’s Binyamin Netanyahu.
Added on 12/09/2011
Juan Cole
9/11 , Abdel Bari Atwan , Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Barack Obama , Ben Ali , Bin Laden , Bush Administration , Cairo , Central Intelligence Agency , Dick Cheney , Donald Rumsfeld , Egypt , George W. Bush , Hosni Mubarak , Iraq , Israel , Journalist , Libya , Martin Luther King Jr. , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Mustafa Abdel Jalil , national government , Northern Pakistan , oil fields , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Palestinian Territories , Pentagon , President , Ronald Reagan , Saudi Arabia , Sayyid Qutb , Tahrir Square , Taliban , Tunisia , United Nations , United States , US government , Washington , Western Europe , Yemen

JUAN COLE: Al Qaeda’s vision for the Arab World has been comprehensively rejected. It appears that Arabs – in particular, young Arabs – are prepared to put their lives on the line, not for a Caliphate, but for parliamentary democracy.
Added on 22/08/2011
Juan Cole
Africa , Al Qaeda , Arab League , Baghdad , Barack Obama , Ben Ali , BP , chess , Egypt , Europe , France , George W. Bush , Hosni Mubarak , India , Iran , John McCain , Lebanon , Libya , McClatchy , Netherlands , Nicolas Sarkozy , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama administration , Oil , oil markets , oil prices , Oil wealth , Pentagon , President , Prime Minister , Robert Gates , Saif al-Islam Qaddafi , Secretary of Defense , Silvio Berlusconi , Spain , Tobruk , Transitional National Council , Tripoli , Tunisia , United Kingdom , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States , Western Europe , Western Mountain region , Zine el Abidine Ben Ali

JUAN COLE: It is worthwhile reviewing the myths about the Libyan Revolution that led so many observers to make so many fantastic or just mistaken assertions about it.
Added on 11/08/2011
Juan Cole
Abdullah , Alternative Energy , Amman , Beirut , Brazil , Cairo , China , Energy , European Union , France , Germany , Iran , Israel , Jordan , King Abdullah , Middle East , Oil , port of Aqaba , Romania , Satellite channels , Solar energy , Soviet Union , Tajikistan , Tehran , The Star , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , Western Europe , Zambia

JUAN COLE: Klingons and Romulans wandering through the souk in Aqaba? Could be sooner than you think if King Abdullah’s ambitious plans come to fruition.
Added on 27/07/2011
Common Ground News Service
Anders Behring Breivik , Boston College , Editor-in-Chief , Islam , Islamophobia , Labour Party , Natana J. DeLong-Bas , Norway , Obama , Oklahoma City , Oslo , President , The [Oxford] Encyclopedia , Timothy McVeigh , United States , Western Europe

NATANA J.DELONG-BAS, CGNEWS: First ‘Islamic terrorists’ were to blame for the Norway massacre, then they weren’t. The fear engendered by Islamophobes has, however, real consequences
Added on 23/07/2011
Australia , Dubai , Food and Drink , Hyundai , Melbourne , Travel , Victoria , Western Europe

SARAH WALTON: “Us from Dubai are only occasional snow dwellers, and so I enter the fields in pink borrowed gear that results in the nickname “marshmallowzilla”…
Added on 08/01/2011
Steve Royston
2022 World Cup , airline , Aviation , Bahrain , Boeing , British Airways , Captain , Doha , Emirates , Etihad , Europe , Far East , FIFA , IPod , London , Middle East , Qatar , Qatar Airways , Rolls-Royce , United Kingdom , Western Europe

STEVE ROYSTON: At what stage does the market value of British Airways become so depressed that it becomes an attractive takeover target for the likes of Qatar, Emirates or Etihad?