Added on 26/05/2012
Aaron David Miller , America , Camp David , CNN , Dennis Ross , Ehud Barak , Hamas , Hizballah , India , Iran , Iranian government , Iraq , Israel , North Korea , Obama , Obama administration , Pakistan , President , Rabin , Tehran , U.N. Security Council , U.S. America , United States , Washington

IRA GLUNTS, MONDOWEISS: War, according to Aaron Miller, is inevitable unless something extraordinary happens in the next year.
Added on 07/03/2012
James M. Dorsey
2010 World Cup , Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , amputations , Baghdad , Barak Obama , Congress , Cuba , Dennis Ross , Fifa World Cup , Florida , Football , Guantanamo Bay , guard , Hamas , Hassan Nasrallah , Herman Cain , Hizballah , House of Representatives , Iran , Iraq , Ismail Haniyeh , Kabul , Kabul's Ghazi stadium , McClatchy , Nelson Mandela , Northern Iraq , Osama Bin Laden , Pentagon , Politics , President , recruitment tool , Rugby , Saddam Hussein , Saudi Arabia , Soccer , Somalia , South Africa , Taliban , U.S. Congress , U.S. Navy , United States , United States Navy , US government , US military

JAMES M. DORSEY: The $744,000 pitch outside a $39 million penitentiary-style building is intended to reward the most cooperative of the 120,171 inmates.
Added on 17/09/2011
Abbas , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bibi , Catherine Ashton , David Hale , Dennis Ross , Envoy , European Union , International Criminal Court , Israel , Jerusalem , New York city , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , Palestinian UN , Prime Minister , Tony Blair , United Nations , United States

IRA GLUNTS, MONDOWEISS: Bibi is willing to negotiate anything, as long it does not include what the Palestinians want. In this case, it is recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN.
Added on 24/07/2011
Anders Behring Breivik , Bush Administration , Daniel Pipes , Dennis Ross , Department of State , English Defense League , Europe , Gaza , Geert Wilders , Ground Zero mosque , Hamas , Harvard , hysteria , Israel , Japan , Middle East , Norway , Obama administration , Oslo , Palestinian Territories , Pamela Geller , Progress Party , Robert Spencer , South Korea , the National Review , U.S. Institute of Peace , United States , Western European

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Many of the ideas that apparently inspired the deranged, mass killer Anders Breivik are, unfortunately, held by people who appear regularly on mainstream media.