Added on 24/04/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Abuse , Barack Obama , Ethics , Force-feeding , George W. Bush , Guantanamo Bay , Guantanamo Bay detainment camp , Guantanamo Bay detention camp , Guantánamo Bay hunger strikes , Guantanamo Bay Naval Base , Guantanamo prison , Human rights abuses , Internments , Legal issues related to the September 11 attacks , Mohammed Saghir , Politics , Presidency of George W. Bush , President , United States

RAMZY BAROUD: Barack Obama promised to close Guantanamo Bay but still it remains open. And what a bizarre place it has become.
Added on 09/11/2012
Francis Matthew
Afghanistan , America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Cairo , Congress , Department of State , Guantanamo Bay , Hillary Clinton , House of Representatives , India , Iran , Israel , John Kerry , Keith Ellison , Minnesota , Pakistan , President , Prime Minister , Secretary of State , Senate , Susan Rice , Tom Donilon , U.S. Presidential Elections , UN Security Council , United Nations , United States , Washington , West Bank

FRANCIS MATTHEW:Obama failed to deliver this vision in his first term, and sadly, it is unlikely that he will use his second term to re-find his sense of purpose in the world.
Added on 09/09/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Asia , British government , Bush , Central Intelligence Agency , Colonel , Food and Drink , Gaddafi , Guantanamo Bay , Human Rights Watch , Iraq , Libya , Malaysia , Mali , Middle East , Morocco , Security services , Tripoli , United Kingdom , United States

ALICE ROSS, INFORMED COMMENT: A new report from Human Rights Watch reveals the true extent of Libya’s involvement as a CIA facilitator
Added on 07/03/2012
James M. Dorsey
2010 World Cup , Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , amputations , Baghdad , Barak Obama , Congress , Cuba , Dennis Ross , Fifa World Cup , Florida , Football , Guantanamo Bay , guard , Hamas , Hassan Nasrallah , Herman Cain , Hizballah , House of Representatives , Iran , Iraq , Ismail Haniyeh , Kabul , Kabul's Ghazi stadium , McClatchy , Nelson Mandela , Northern Iraq , Osama Bin Laden , Pentagon , Politics , President , recruitment tool , Rugby , Saddam Hussein , Saudi Arabia , Soccer , Somalia , South Africa , Taliban , U.S. Congress , U.S. Navy , United States , United States Navy , US government , US military

JAMES M. DORSEY: The $744,000 pitch outside a $39 million penitentiary-style building is intended to reward the most cooperative of the 120,171 inmates.
Added on 15/02/2012
David Roberts
Conservative Party , Democracy , Elections , Emir , Guantanamo Bay , Iraq , Kuwait , Kuwaiti Government , MP , Prime Minister , United States , US Federal Reserve

DAVID ROBERTS: Until these groups can come together bitter arguments, recriminations and stalled political and economic sectors will typify Kuwait.