Juan Cole

‘Too Extreme for Al Qaeda’: Al Zawahiri Disowns ISIL

‘Too Extreme for Al Qaeda’: Al Zawahiri Disowns ISIL

JUAN COLE: The insistence by many commentators in speaking about a single Al Qaeda entity in Iraq and Syria is plain wrong.


For ‘Tribal Areas’ Read ‘Wild West’: Myth and Reality

For ‘Tribal Areas’ Read ‘Wild West’: Myth and Reality

KHALED FATTAH, TABSIR: There is a lazy shorthand in much Western reporting on the Middle East, particularly when it comes to describing the influence of tribes

 Juan Cole

‘All Praise to George W. Bush’: The Top Ten Myths of the Arab Spring

‘All Praise to George W. Bush’: The Top Ten Myths of the Arab Spring

JUAN COLE: So much that is misinformed, over-hyped and simply plain wrong has been written about the Arab Spring. So let’s sort the wheat from the chaff.

 James M. Dorsey

Somali Jihadists Skewed Focus on Women Sports

Somali Jihadists Skewed Focus on Women Sports

JAMES M. DORSEY: While Al Qaeda is attempting to portray a gentler face, distributing aid to famine victims, Al Shabab, are ensuring strict adherence to a ban on women’s sports.

 Hisham Wyne

‘The “Sheikh” is Dead, Long Live the “Sheikh”‘

‘The “Sheikh” is Dead, Long Live the “Sheikh”‘

HISHAM WYNE: There is much speculation about who has replaced bin Laden. The fertile conditions for the organisation persist, particularly in Pakistan.

 Juan Cole

Goodbye Bin Laden. Now It’s Time to Exit Iraq

Goodbye Bin Laden. Now It’s Time to Exit Iraq

JUAN COLE: Post Osama, President Obama should do us all a favour and now remove U.S. troops from Iraq.