Syria News Wire

What Happens When Journalists Want War

What Happens When Journalists Want War

NEWS FROM SYRIA: Christopher Hitchens famously did it with Iraq and now his friend Nick Cohen is doing the same on Syria – advocating for war.


Saudi Draft ‘Anti-Terror Law’ Evokes Strong Response

Saudi Draft ‘Anti-Terror Law’ Evokes Strong Response

AHMED AL-OMRAN: A leaked draft of a proposed, new anti-terror law has been leaked to Amnesty International. A predictable storm has erupted.

 Juan Cole

More Kosovo than Iraq: How No-Fly Zones Can Succeed

More Kosovo than Iraq: How No-Fly Zones Can Succeed

JUAN COLE: It’s clear what model the UN authorised forces should be following in enforcing the no-fly zone in Libya – the success that was Kosovo rather than the failure that was Iraq.