Added on 06/06/2013
Common Ground News Service
Anti-Islam , Islamophobia , Islamophobia Watch , Lee Rigby , London , Religion/Belief

EMRE KAZIM, CGNEWS: Muslims, particularly in the UK, need to be much more pro-active in seizing the narrative of their own lives
Added on 25/05/2013
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Anti-Islam , Islam , Islamophobia , London , Norway , Religion , Religion/Belief

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: It was a shocking, brutal incident that has evoked an understandable maelstrom of emotion. Here are my initial thoughts and feelings
Added on 22/05/2013
Common Ground News Service
Anti-Islam , Europe , European Islam , Islam , Islam in the United States , Islamophobia , Monotheism , Religion , Religion/Belief , United States

JOCEYLINE CESARI, CGNEWS: Muslim communities across the globe need to take inspiration from the African-American community on how to integrate within indigenous societies
Added on 14/05/2013
Juan Cole
Islamophobia , Racism

ANNE-RUTH WERTHEIM, INFORMED COMMENT: It’s very important to identify and call out racism but it’s equally important to understand what forces underpin it.
Added on 08/05/2013
Ramzy Baroud
2001-09-11 , America , Anti-Islam , Antisemitism , Arab–Israeli conflict , Criticism of religion , Islamophobia , Israel , Israel–Pakistan relations , Jewish history , Politics , Religion , Religious persecution , Secularism , United States , War/Conflict

RAMZY BAROUD: The anti-Muslim brigade who take to the media at every possible opportunity received another boost with the Boston bombing.
Added on 03/05/2013
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Anti-Islam , Asia , Burma , Culture , Islam , Islamophobia , Multiculturalism , Poor St George , Religion/Belief , Rohingya people , Saint George , Social Issues , Sociology

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: He’s been adopted by the English right-wing as a symbol of racial purity. He actually stood for nothing of the sort.
Added on 20/04/2013
Ali Gharib , Anti-Islam , Boston , Criticism of religion , Islam , Islamophobia , Islamophobic incidents , law enforcement , Religion , Secularism , The Boston Marathon , War/Conflict

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: It began even before we discovered that the two perpetrators were indeed of Muslim extraction. It’s set to be very ugly again.
Added on 20/11/2012
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Bangladesh , Denmark , Europe , Indonesia , Islam , Islamophobia , Myanmar , Religion

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: I’m deeply concerned about the growing Islamophobia in Europe. I’m doing my bit to confront it.
Added on 03/07/2012
Afghanistan , America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bernard Lewis , Cairo , Clinton , East Africa , Egypt , Europe , Federal Bureau of Investigation , George Bush , George W. Bush , Ground Zero mosque , Hamas , Hiroshima , Hizballah , Iraq , Islam , Islamophobia , Israel , Jerusalem , Lebanon , legal systems , Libya , Likud Party , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Nagasaki , New York city , New York Times , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Obama administration , Pakistan , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Peter King , President , Rutgers University , Secretary of State , Somalia , Soviet Union , the Associated Press , The New York Times , United States , Washington DC , World Trade Center , Yemen

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire
Added on 05/11/2011
Rob L. Wagner
Anti-blasphemy law , Censorship , Charlie Hebdo , Christianity , Ennahda Party , France , Free speech , hate speech , Hijab , Islam , Islamophobia , Jews , Mainstream media , Media , Muslims , News media , Newspapers , Organization of Islamic Cooperation , Prophet Muhammad , Tunisian elections

ROB L. WAGNER: Charlie Hebdo’s editors abuse the privilege of being journalists. Their behavior strengthens the argument anti blasphemy laws are necessary
Added on 27/07/2011
Common Ground News Service
Anders Behring Breivik , Boston College , Editor-in-Chief , Islam , Islamophobia , Labour Party , Natana J. DeLong-Bas , Norway , Obama , Oklahoma City , Oslo , President , The [Oxford] Encyclopedia , Timothy McVeigh , United States , Western Europe

NATANA J.DELONG-BAS, CGNEWS: First ‘Islamic terrorists’ were to blame for the Norway massacre, then they weren’t. The fear engendered by Islamophobes has, however, real consequences
Added on 20/05/2011
Rob L. Wagner
Islamophobia , Osama Bin Laden

ROB L. WAGNER: Most notable in pointless speculation, Islamophobia and conflating pop culture with the life, is Jezebel, the U.S.-based feminist website.