Added on 15/08/2012
Rob L. Wagner
America , Anders Breivik , Arizona , Barack Obama , California , Colin Powell , David Horowitz , Federal Bureau of Investigation , Islam , Michelle Bachmann , Minnesota , New York , Norway , Pamela Geller , Pennsylvania , Peter King , President , Republican representative , Robert Spencer , The New York Times , United States , Wisconsin , World Trade Center

The Islamophobe Industry: Big Growth in U.S.

ROB L. WAGNER: In the United States ‘Muslim’ equals ‘Terror’ to a huge number of its citizens hence the increasing influence of Islamophobes
Added on 25/05/2012
Francis Matthew
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Colin Powell , Eastern Europe , Europe , European Union , George W. Bush , Iraq , Italy , KGB , Libya , NATO , North America , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Paranoia , political solutions , Putin , Russia , Syria , Taliban , United Nations , United States , west Germany , Western Europe , White House , Yugoslavia

NATO: A North American Strike Force?

FRANCIS MATTHEW: It is sad young Arabs and Muslims see NATO as an expeditionary force striking at the convenience of the White House
Added on 29/03/2011
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Ali Khamenei , America , Arab League , Barack Obama , Bush Administration , CNN , Colin Powell , France , Hamas , Hizballah , Hizbullah , Iowa , Iran , Iraq , Iraqi parliament , Lebanon , Libya , Michelle Bachmann , Middle East , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Pentagon , Piers Morgan , President , Republican presidential candidate , Rupert Murdoch , Saddam Hussein , Sarah Palin , Supreme , Tehran , United Nations , United States , US military , Washington

‘Our Luck’, A President That Gets Complexity

JUAN COLE: President Obama’s speech last night demonstrated clearly the qualities of leadership that those who seek to challenge him simply do not possess.