Added on 24/02/2012
Ramzy Baroud
Airbus , America , Asia , Australia , BBC , Brunei , CEO , China , Deng Xiaoping , Department of Defense , Europe , Hawaii , Hilary Clinton , Leon Panetta , Malaysia , Natural gas , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil , Philippines , President , Reuters , Robert Gates , Secretary of State , South China , South China Sea , United States , Vietnam

RAMZY BAROUD: Leaders of adjacent countries might find themselves forced to choose sides in a conflict over resources and military presence.
Added on 22/08/2011
Juan Cole
Africa , Al Qaeda , Arab League , Baghdad , Barack Obama , Ben Ali , BP , chess , Egypt , Europe , France , George W. Bush , Hosni Mubarak , India , Iran , John McCain , Lebanon , Libya , McClatchy , Netherlands , Nicolas Sarkozy , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama administration , Oil , oil markets , oil prices , Oil wealth , Pentagon , President , Prime Minister , Robert Gates , Saif al-Islam Qaddafi , Secretary of Defense , Silvio Berlusconi , Spain , Tobruk , Transitional National Council , Tripoli , Tunisia , United Kingdom , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States , Western Europe , Western Mountain region , Zine el Abidine Ben Ali

JUAN COLE: It is worthwhile reviewing the myths about the Libyan Revolution that led so many observers to make so many fantastic or just mistaken assertions about it.
Added on 15/06/2011
Juan Cole
Bloomberg , BP , David Cameron , France , Italy , Libya , Muammar Qaddafi , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil , Pentagon , President , Robert Gates , Saudi Arabia , Secretary of Defense , Silvio Berlusconi , Tony Blair , Tripoli , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States

JUAN COLE: To suggest that the West has cooked up a war against Qaddafi to steal Libyan oil is to demean the bravery of the Libyan people.
Added on 10/04/2011
Crossroads Arabia
Abdullah , Bahrain , Barack Obama , Egypt , Hillary Rodham Clinton , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Middle East , Nigeria , Obama administration , Oil , oil prices , Oil production , Persian Gulf , President , Riyadh , Robert Gates , Saudi Arabia , Secretary of Defense , Secretary of State , the Associated Press , United States , Venezuela

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Whenever the words ‘United States’ and ‘Saudi Arabia’ occur in the same sentence it seems inevitable that the phrase ‘dependence on oil’ will appear too.