Added on 17/10/2013
James M. Dorsey
Adly Mansour , Arab world , Asia , East Africa , Egypt , Egyptian Armed Forces , Egyptian military , Hosni Mubarak , House of Saud , Iran , Israel , Member states of the Arab League , Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation , Member states of the United Nations , Middle East , Middle Eastern countries , Mohamed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood , North Africa , Obama administration , Politics , Saudi Arabia , Sinai , United States , War/Conflict , Washington , Western Asia

JAMES M. DORSEY: It’s clear that Washington has embarked on a major re-alignment of its strategic resources in the Middle East.
Added on 19/08/2013
Richard Silverstein
Egypt , Egyptian military , Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood , Israel , Muslim Brotherhood , United States

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: We’re betting on the forces of the past over the forces of the future. We’d rather be on the side of the strong (for now) than on the side of the right.
Added on 15/07/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Africa , Arab Spring , Army , democratically-elected president , Dostour Party , Egypt , Egyptian military , Egyptian presidential election , Egyptian revolution , Hosni Mubarak , Islam in Egypt , Middle East , Mohamed elBaradei , Mohammed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood , Politics , Politics of Egypt , President , Protests in Egypt

RAMZY BAROUD: It’s a dismal, depressing conclusion to make following events over the past two weeks. But it’s clear what ‘democracy’ means for Egyptians
Added on 11/08/2012
James M. Dorsey
Africa , Al Ahly , Al Ahly SC , Al Ahram , Al Zamalek , Cairo , commander in chief , Egypt , Egyptian Football Association , Egyptian military , FIFA , Football , Hosni Mubarak , Mohammed Hussein Tantawi , Mohammed Morsi , Omar Suleiman , Port Said , President , Prime Minister , Sinai , Soccer , sports minister , Supreme Council of the Armed Forces , United States

JAMES M. DORSEY: Mr. Morsi’s response to this week’s killing of 16 Egyptian soldiers by militants has allowed him to position himself as the country’s co-commander-in-chief
Added on 06/08/2012
Richard Silverstein
Al Qaeda , Arab Spring , Bibi Netanyahu , Dick Cheney , Egypt , Egyptian military , Egyptian police , Ehud Barak , Eilat , Gaza , Haaretz , Hamas , IDF , Iran , Islamists , Israel , Israeli army , Michael Oren , Mubarak , Muslim Brotherhood , Pakistan , Ramadan , Shin Bet , Sinai , Somalia , Sudan , Syria , United States , Yemen

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: There are forces out there seeking to capitalize on the Arab Spring: It’s s a different world Israel is facing. A harsher world, one more difficult to control.
Added on 03/06/2012
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Baath Party in Syria , Baghdad , Bahrain , Barack Obama , Bin Laden , Damascus , Eastern Mediterranean , Egypt , Egyptian military , Gaza , George W. Bush , Governor , Hamas , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon , Libya , Mediterranean , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Muslim Brotherhood , Northern Iraq , President , Qatar , Republican Party , Romney , Syria , Syrian Muslim Brotherhood , Tripoli , Tunisia , Turkey , United States , West Bank , Workers Party

JUAN COLE: Mitt Romney is flip-flopping on whether ‘Muslims Are Bad’ or that the U.S should supply them with sophisticated weapons.
Added on 06/05/2012
Juan Cole
Democracy , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Egyptian military , Ministry of Defense , Salafists , SCAF

JUAN COLE: Could this be the prelude to a full military coup or is it just a series of skirmishes?
Added on 02/02/2012
James M. Dorsey
Al Masri , Egypt , Egyptian military , Football , Port Said

JAMES M. DORSEY: Fan: “The government is getting back at the ultras. They’re saying: ‘You protest, you want democracy. Here’s a taste of your democracy.”
Added on 30/01/2012
Common Ground News Service
Al-Nahda , Arab Spring , Damascus , deputy chief , Egypt , Egyptian military , Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood , Fatah , Gaza , Hamas , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Israeli government , Middle East , Natalia Simanovsky , North America , Palestinian Authority , Prime Minister , Qatar , research officer , Salafist Al Nour party , Salam Fayyad , Sinai , Syria , Tunisia , Turkey , United States

NATALIA SIMANOVSKY, CGNEWS: It’s highly unfortunate that Israel seems to treat all change in the Arab world as a threat to itself.
Added on 02/01/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Asaf Ali Zardari , Baghdad , Bahrain , Binyamin Netanyahu , China , Congress , Egypt , Egyptian military , Foreign Policy , Gaza , Iran , Iraq , Islamabad , Israel , Muslim Brotherhood , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Nouri al-Maliki , Pakistan , President , Prime Minister , Red Sea , Saudi Arabia , South Asia , Syria , Tehran , Turkey , U.S. Congress , United States , Washington , Yemen

JUAN COLE: Many of the dangers to which I pointed in last year’s list still exist, of course, but a whole host of new difficulties has emerged.
Added on 23/12/2011
James M. Dorsey
Ali Abdullah Saleh , Cairo , Democracy , Egypt , Egypt's military , Egyptian military , Emir , Energy , Gulf Cooperation Council , Hosni Mubarak , Iraq , Libya , Manitoba , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , President , Prime Minister , Qatar , Saddam Hussein , Salafi , Sana’a , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Tahrir Square , Tawakkol Karman , Tunisia , Yemen

JAMES M. DORSEY: Powerful forces are at work in both Egypt and Yemen to mould the emerging political landscape to benefit these particular players.
Added on 20/12/2011
Juan Cole
al-Masry al-Yawm , Alexandria , Army , Cairo , Coptic Church , Egypt , Egyptian military , Justice Party , Muslim Brotherhood , Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party , Prime Minister , Protests , Youth

JUAN COLE: If the military can depict the youth as wild men to the middle classes, it thinks it might remain in power, with a fig leaf of elections.
Added on 08/12/2011
Margaret Litvin
Egypt , Egypt Protests , Egyptian military

MARGARET LITVIN, ARABLIT: If you are looking for a true understanding of the country’s relationship with its military elite read Mohammed Qandil.
Added on 25/11/2011
Juan Cole
Avigdor Lieberman , Barack Obama , Ben Ali , Benyamin Netanyahu , Binyamin Netanyahu , Egypt , Egyptian military , Gaza , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Israeli parliament , John Stuart Mill , King David Hotel , Larry Derfner , Likud Party , Moncef Marzouki , Muslim Brotherhood , Muslim party , President , Prime Minister , Stern Gang , Tahrir Square , The Jerusalem Post , Tunisia , Tunisian government , United States , Washington , West Bank , Western Europe

JUAN COLE: If there’s one person you can count on to mis-read virtually every aspect of developments in the Middle East today it’s Binyamin Netanyahu.
Added on 27/08/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Ariel Sharon , Army , Camp David , Egypt , Egyptian military , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Hamas , Israel , Israeli military , Lebanon , Ma’an , Mobile Phones , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , President , Red Sea , Ronald Reagan , Secretary of State , Sinai , Sudan , United States , Uri Avnery , Washington

RAMZY BAROUD: Why is Israel bent on discrediting Egypt, exploiting the most sensitive period of its modern history, and destabilizing the border area?
Added on 02/05/2011
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Al-Ahram Center , Army , Asaf Ali Zardari , Ayman al-Zawahiri , Barack Obama , Bush , Bush Administration , Central America , Central Intelligence Agency , CNN , Congress , Department of State , Dick Cheney , Dome of the Rock , Dwight Eisenhower , Egypt , Egyptian military , Fahd , France , fundraiser , Gaza Strip , Inter-Services Intelligence , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jeddah , Jerusalem , Joe Biden , Kabul , Kuwait , Leonid Brezhnev , Libya , Middle East , Obama , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Pakistani intelligence , Palestinian Territories , Pentagon , Peshawar , President , Prime Minister , Ronald Reagan , Saddam Hussein , Saudi Arabia , Soviet Union , Sudan , Syria , Taliban , Tunisia , UN Security Council , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States , US government , USG , Washington , West Bank , White House

JUAN COLE: Post Osama, President Obama should do us all a favour and now remove U.S. troops from Iraq.
Added on 09/03/2011
James M. Dorsey
Al Ahly , Al Ahly SC , Al Masry , Alexandria , Ben Ali , Cairo , Cairo’s Military Academy Stadium , Colonel , Egypt , Egyptian Football Association , Egyptian military , Football , Hosni Mubarak , Kenya , Libya , Moammar Gadaffi , Mohamed Hussein Tantawi , Morocco , National Democratic Party , North Africa , Port Said’s Al Masry SC , Premier League , Rwanda , Soccer , Supreme Council of the Armed Forces , Tunis , Tunisia , Zine Abedine Ben Ali

JAMES M. DORSEY: Tunisian and Egyptian reluctance to restart football reflects the changing role of soccer and the sense of empowerment felt by fans.
Added on 07/03/2011
James M. Dorsey
Algiers , Amman , Ankara , Bahrain , Barack Obama , Brazil , Cairo , East Africa , Egypt , Egyptian military , Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood , Erdogan government , Europe , European Union , Gaza , Green Movement , Hosni Mubarak , International Monetary Fund , Iran , Islamist party , Israel , Jeddah , Kuwait , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Manama , Mecca , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Oil , Omar al-Bashir , President , Prime Minister , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Sana’a , Saudi Arabia , Soccer , South Sudan , Sudan , Syria , Tripoli , Tunis , Tunisia , Turkey , Turkish government , United States , Washington , Washington Institute , Washington Institute for Near East Policy

JAMES M. DORSEY: For the first time in its history, Turkey is emerging as a true bridge between East and West. Unrest elsewhere however puts Turkish aspirations to the test.
Added on 03/02/2011
Crossroads Arabia
Abdullah , Ali Ibrahim , Bashar al-Assad , Ba’ath Party , Cairo , Day of Anger , Editor-in-Chief , EGP , Egypt , Egyptian military , Hosni Mubarak , Morocco , Mubarak , President , Saudi Arabia , Saudi Gazette , Syria , Tariq Alhomayed

CROSSROADS ARABIA: After 30 years in power, Mubarak appears no longer capable of providing a solution to Egypt. Rather, he is now the problem.
Added on 31/01/2011
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Cairo , Camp David , Central America , Egypt , Egyptian government , Egyptian military , France , Gamal Abdel Nasser , Gaza , Hosni Mubarak , Iraq , Israel , Mubarak , President , Qatar , Sinai Peninsula , Suez , Suez Canal , United Kingdom , United States , vice president and prime minister

JUAN COLE: The failure of the regime to connect with working and middle classes, and its inability to provide jobs set the stage for last week’s events.