Added on 15/05/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Anders Behring Breivik , Bahrain , Church of the Nativity , Congress , Daniel Pipes , Department of Defense , Egypt , G20 , Hiroshima , Indonesia , Islam , Jordan , Kuwait , Mecca , Michigan , Middle East , Morocco , Norfolk , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Pakistan , Pentagon , President , Renaissance Party , Robert Spencer , Spencer Ackerman , Tunisia , Turkey , United States , US military , Virginia , Washington , Washington DC
JUAN COLE: The Pentagon has launched an investigation into a class on Islam which characterises all Muslims as radical, violent extremists
Added on 24/07/2011
Anders Behring Breivik , Bush Administration , Daniel Pipes , Dennis Ross , Department of State , English Defense League , Europe , Gaza , Geert Wilders , Ground Zero mosque , Hamas , Harvard , hysteria , Israel , Japan , Middle East , Norway , Obama administration , Oslo , Palestinian Territories , Pamela Geller , Progress Party , Robert Spencer , South Korea , the National Review , U.S. Institute of Peace , United States , Western European
ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Many of the ideas that apparently inspired the deranged, mass killer Anders Breivik are, unfortunately, held by people who appear regularly on mainstream media.
Added on 23/04/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Activist , BBC , Benjamin Netanyahu , Daniel Pipes , Egypt , European Union , Food and Drink , Gaza , Hamas , International Solidarity Movement , Israel , James Miller , Jerusalem , Journalist , Juliano Mer Khamis , New York Times , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Prime Minister , Rachel Corrie , Rome , Tom Hurndall , United States , Vittorio Arrigoni
RAMZY BAROUD: Grief and despair have been the overwhelming emotions felt by those who knew Vik Arrigoni. He has, however, left us an enduring message.