Rob L. Wagner

The Islamophobe Industry: Big Growth in U.S.

The Islamophobe Industry: Big Growth in U.S.

ROB L. WAGNER: In the United States ‘Muslim’ equals ‘Terror’ to a huge number of its citizens hence the increasing influence of Islamophobes

 Juan Cole

‘Give Muslims A Hiroshima’: Pentagon’s Curious Class

‘Give Muslims A Hiroshima’: Pentagon’s Curious Class

JUAN COLE: The Pentagon has launched an investigation into a class on Islam which characterises all Muslims as radical, violent extremists

 Richard Silverstein

No Muslim Boogeyman in US – Report

No Muslim Boogeyman in US – Report

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Anti-jihadis owe these American citizens an apology. But they won’t get one. Instead they’ll continue feeling the cold blast of hate.


The Hateful Ideology Behind the Norway Massacre

The Hateful Ideology Behind the Norway Massacre

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Many of the ideas that apparently inspired the deranged, mass killer Anders Breivik are, unfortunately, held by people who appear regularly on mainstream media.


Should U.S. citizens fear Islam? – Senator

Should U.S. citizens fear Islam? – Senator

No serious journalist would ask a random black guy with a briefcase on the street to explain the pathology of an African American criminal because of the coincidence of shared skin colour…