Healthcare in Saudi, the US and UK: Who does it Right?
STEVE ROYSTON: In one respect he is fortunate: Saudi has abundant resources to throw at these problems, unlike the US and the UK, where health services are competing for funds.
Army: Making Jordan’s Mass Employer Pay
NASEEM TARAWNAH: With 100,000 active personnel, nearly 65,000 in reserve , and household sizes of 5.4 that’s 891,000 people linked to the army’s payroll.
New Media Law A Major Step Forward for Iraq
AHMED FAHAD, CGNEWS: While most focus with Iraq has been on the political upheaval, a law protecting the media represents a major step forward.
Saudi Education – A Fight to Enter the 21st Century…
The ministry has big plans for education but also mountainous challenges. The religious establishment, in control for so long, are in almost every office… This control goes way back to 1960 when girls were allowed to get an education.