mai abdul rahman

An ‘Israeli Spring’ for Palestine? The Call Is Out

An ‘Israeli Spring’ for Palestine? The Call Is Out

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s a bold move and one that is sure to cause much aggression and derision to be directed his way. What’s the story behind the brutality?

 Steve Royston

Tim Mackintosh-Smith: Is He A ‘Yemeni National Treasure?’

Tim Mackintosh-Smith: Is He A ‘Yemeni National Treasure?’

STEVE DORSEY: I had the privilege recently to spend time in the company of the renowned British travel writer who lives in Sana’a. A truly impressive evening.

 The View From Fez

Mali Islamist Threat That Could Engulf Morocco

Mali Islamist Threat That Could Engulf Morocco

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: While international attention is focused on Syria events in the Maghreb are threatening to spin out of control


Hamlet: Is He The Arab World’s True Hero?

Hamlet: Is He The Arab World’s True Hero?

HUSSEIN OMAR, ARABLIT: Nasser had a ‘Caesar Complex’ but for Egyptians and many other Arabs there’s only one Shakespearean hero.

 Sultan Al Qassemi

Stereotypes are a dressing for our own prejudice

Stereotypes are a dressing for our own prejudice

Stereotypes can be exacerbated by local customs and dress, but that is no reason for abandoning those things – rather it’s up to us to us to continue to challenge ignorance head on argues Sultan Al Qassemi.