Added on 26/06/2013
al Barnamaj , Asia , Bashar al-Assad , Bin Laden , Central Intelligence Agency , Entertainment/Culture , Humor , Joke , KGB , Monkey , Satire , Syria

TABSIR: Jon Stewart’s recent appearance on Bassem Youssef’s Egyptian show underscores the power that satirists have to unsettle holders of power
Added on 25/05/2012
Francis Matthew
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Colin Powell , Eastern Europe , Europe , European Union , George W. Bush , Iraq , Italy , KGB , Libya , NATO , North America , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Paranoia , political solutions , Putin , Russia , Syria , Taliban , United Nations , United States , west Germany , Western Europe , White House , Yugoslavia

FRANCIS MATTHEW: It is sad young Arabs and Muslims see NATO as an expeditionary force striking at the convenience of the White House
Added on 18/02/2012
Michael J. Totten
Army , Assad , Beirut , Damascus , Facebook , Hizballah , KGB , Lebanon , Syria , The Wall Street Journal , YouTube

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: There isn’t a lot to laugh about in Syria at the moment but try telling that to the Syrians themselves.
Added on 17/11/2011
Michael J. Totten
Afghanistan , America , American government , Armin Rosen , Army , Barack Obama , Cairo , CNN , Cuba , Department of State , Egypt , Egyptian army , Fidel Castro , Hosni Mubarak , Iraq , Israel , KGB , Montreal , Muslim Brotherhood , Nasser , policeman , President , Prime Minister , Russia , Sadat , Saddam Hussein , Salafist , Salafists , Saudi Arabia , Taliban , United States

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Sectarian clashes between Christians and Muslims are increasing daily throughout Egypt. Coptic leaders are understandably cagey…