Juan Cole

‘And Poof!’: The Moment ‘The Peace Process’ Died

‘And Poof!’: The Moment ‘The Peace Process’ Died

JUAN COLE: Israel reneged on its promises, Kerry called them out and then all hell broke loose.

 Juan Cole

For Netanyahu Iran Is About ‘Apocalypse’ and ‘Mushroom Clouds’

For Netanyahu Iran Is About ‘Apocalypse’ and ‘Mushroom Clouds’

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu demanded on Sunday that the world community constrain Iran to change its “genocidal policy” toward Israel, in the course of a speech in which he attacked President Obama’s current round of negotiations with Iran over its civilian nuclear enrichment program.

JUAN COLE: It appears that a light foam forms on Binyamin Netanyahu’s lips when he begins speaking about Iran. Not all Israeli politicians are like him

 Steve Royston

‘The Devil’s Fire’: Syria’s Unique Blend of Pure Horror

‘The Devil’s Fire’: Syria’s Unique Blend of Pure Horror

STEVE ROYSTON: The situation in Syria is so desperate, so serious and so wide-ranging that it has the potential to affect every individual living in the region

 Juan Cole

‘Domestic Issue Deflection?’ Morsi’s Call for Syrian Action

‘Domestic Issue Deflection?’ Morsi’s Call for Syrian Action

JUAN COLE: President Morsi’s called for a no-fly zone over Syria. He is, though, facing a raft of serious issues at home


Beinart v Dershowitz On Israel, Hawking and Zionism

Beinart v Dershowitz On Israel, Hawking and Zionism

MONDOWEISS: The heat surrounding Stephen Hawkin’s withdrawal from a conference in Israel added heat to a debate between two prominent commentators last week