Added on 06/12/2012
mai abdul rahman
America , Arab League , Canada , Clinton , DC , Egypt , Ehud Olmert , Europe , European Union , Gaza , Germany , Hamas , IDF , International Criminal Court , Israel , Israeli government , Jerusalem , Netanyahu , New York Times , Oslo , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Prime Minister , Qatar , Secretary of State , Tunis , Turkey , United Kingdom , United Nations , United Nations General Assembly , United States , Washington , West Bank

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s not just the scale of the victory but it’s what it tells us about a new, emerging world order that is important.
Added on 20/11/2012
mai abdul rahman
Central Intelligence Agency , DC , Europe , fisherman , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Hamas , Hizballah , IDF , Israel , Jerusalem , natural gas reserves , Netanyahu , Palestine , Palestinian Liberation Organization , Prime Minister , Qassam rocket , Soccer , Social Media , The Green Line , United States , Washington , West Bank

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: There are so many agendas at play in Gaza today but one of them undeniably is the opportunity to showcase – and sell – weapons.
Added on 16/10/2012
Common Ground News Service
Gaza , Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Hebron , Israel , Jerusalem , Mahmoud Abbas , Nablus , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Pennsylvania , President , Prime Minister , Ramallah , Salam Fayyad , West Bank

DAWOUD ABU LEBDEH, CGNEWS: Its role is minimal compared to that envisaged in the Oslo Accords. Faced with a threat to its existence what should PA do?