Added on 22/07/2012
David Roberts
Abdullah , Assad , Central Intelligence Agency , Chemical weapons , Churchill , Damascus , Euphrates , Greece , Hamas , Hassan Nasrallah , Hizballah , html , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Levant , Libya , Mediterranean , Middle East , Moscow , Operation Damascus Volcano , Qatar , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Security Council , Syria , Syrian army , Turkey , UN Security Council

DAVID ROBERTS: Russia is unfazed about alienating swathes of the Middle East not to mention the majority of Syrians, believing in time their position can be reasserted
Added on 31/01/2011
Ben Ali , Egypt , Euphrates , Facebook , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Israel , Mediterranean , Mediterranean coast , Mubarak , New York , Nile , pharaoh , Rubber bullets , Sadat , Saddam Hussein , Twitter , United States Agency for International Development

DANIEL M. VARISCO: His survival as Egypt’s modern day Pharaoh is looking less likely by the hour. How will his legacy stack up?