Added on 15/12/2012
America , American Israel Public Affairs Committee , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Chuck Hagel , Co-Chairman , Congress , Eli Lake , Emergency Committee for Israel , Hizballah , Iran , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Israel , Josh Block , Lebanon , Max Fisher , Pentagon , President , Republican Guard , Secretary of Defense , Senate , Sergeant , Steve Walt , The Washington Post , United States , Vietnam , Washington

If Hagel Is Obama’s Choice ‘Let Battle Commence’

MONDOWEISS: Whispers from Washington suggest that President Obama is set to nominate Chuck Hagel as Defense Minster. There will be sparks
Added on 14/02/2012
Richard Silverstein
America , Central Intelligence Agency , China , Egypt , Eli Lake , Europe , Food and Drink , George Bush , India , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Libya , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Netanyahu , New Delhi , North Korea , Oil , oil customer , Oil Embargo , Oil Price , oil sales , oil shipments , Pakistan , President , Saudi Arabia , Strait of Hormuz , Tehran , The NY Times , The Times , U.S. , United States , vice chairman , Washington

U.S., Israel Iranian Delusions Continue

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: What if we can’t find alternates? What if Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Libya can’t fill the gap? What if the oil price goes through the roof?
Added on 14/01/2012
America , Benny Gantz , CNN , Eli Lake , Germany , inspector , International Atomic Energy Agency , Iran , Iranian parliament , Israel , Israel Defense Forces , Israeli military , Israeli Military Strength , Knesset , Mossad , Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan , Obama , Obama administration , Tehran , Tel Aviv , Turkey , U.N. Security Council , U.S. intelligence , United Nations , United States , Washington

Israel’s Push for War with Iran is ‘Relentless’

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: The Israelis are doing all in their power to scuttle ‘back channel’ discussions to ease tension between the U.S and Iran.