Added on 13/05/2013
Alan Dershowitz , Anti-Zionism , Antisemitism , Arab–Israeli conflict , BDS , Ethan Bronner , Israel , Israel Shahak , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Jewish state , Meir Kahane , Norman Finkelstein , Peter Beinart , Politics , Religion/Belief , Stephen Hawking , West Bank , Zionism

MONDOWEISS: The heat surrounding Stephen Hawkin’s withdrawal from a conference in Israel added heat to a debate between two prominent commentators last week
Added on 05/12/2012
Alan Dershowitz , America , Andrew Sullivan , Ben Gurion , Berlin , David Remnick , Eric Alterman , Ethan Bronner , Europe , Furkan Dogan , Gaza , Hannah Arendt , Iran , Israel , Israel’s army , Jeffrey Goldberg , Jerusalem , Journalist , Kenya , Likud Party , Mainstream media , Matthew Yglesias , Middle East , New York Times , Norman Finkelstein , Oslo , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Peter Beinart , Prague , President , Prime Minister , public editor , Rachel Corrie , Rami Khouri , Spencer Ackerman , The New York Times , United Kingdom , United States , West Bank

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: If you want to understand what’s happening in Palestine/Israel it’s essential to understand Zionism. Where is it mentioned though?
Added on 29/02/2012
mai abdul rahman
Boycott Divestment and Sanctions , Gaza , Hizballah , Holocaust , Israel , New York , Norman Finkelstein , Palestine , political solution

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: His recent comments surprised many but his defence of Palestine remains resolute.