
Beinart v Dershowitz On Israel, Hawking and Zionism

Beinart v Dershowitz On Israel, Hawking and Zionism

MONDOWEISS: The heat surrounding Stephen Hawkin’s withdrawal from a conference in Israel added heat to a debate between two prominent commentators last week


This Silence on Zionism is ‘Deafening and Damaging’

This Silence on Zionism is ‘Deafening and Damaging’

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: If you want to understand what’s happening in Palestine/Israel it’s essential to understand Zionism. Where is it mentioned though?

 mai abdul rahman

Norman Finkelstein: No Traitor to the Palestinian Cause

Norman Finkelstein: No Traitor to the Palestinian Cause

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: His recent comments surprised many but his defence of Palestine remains resolute.