Added on 07/01/2013
America , Benjamin Netanyahu , Chuck Hagel , Congress , Department of Defense , Emergency Committee for Israel , Iran , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Israeli government , Jim Lobe , Josh Block , Matt Duss , Middle East , Obama , President , Prime Minister , Republican Jewish Coalition , Republican Party , Secretary of Defense , Senate , Steve Walt , The Guardian , The Washington Post , United States , Vietnam , Washington , White House

He’s Obama’s Man But Will AIPAC Take On Hagel?

PHILIP WEISS: The widely floated possibility of Chuck Hagel’s nomination as Defence Secretary looks a reality. Who will fight against it?
Added on 15/12/2012
America , American Israel Public Affairs Committee , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Chuck Hagel , Co-Chairman , Congress , Eli Lake , Emergency Committee for Israel , Hizballah , Iran , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Israel , Josh Block , Lebanon , Max Fisher , Pentagon , President , Republican Guard , Secretary of Defense , Senate , Sergeant , Steve Walt , The Washington Post , United States , Vietnam , Washington

If Hagel Is Obama’s Choice ‘Let Battle Commence’

MONDOWEISS: Whispers from Washington suggest that President Obama is set to nominate Chuck Hagel as Defense Minster. There will be sparks
Added on 24/05/2011
Alpha , Asia , Barack Obama , Chicago , Christiane Amanpour , Europe , Israel , Jordan , Latin America , Middle East , Netanyahu , Obama , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Steve Walt , The Wall Street Journal , United States

Masterful Obama Delivers Rebuke to Jewish Lobby

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: A visibly angry Barack Obama, fresh from yet another humiliation at the hand of Benjamin Netanyahu, delivered a stinging rebuke to the Jewish lobby at the AIPAC conference.