Added on 06/07/2014
Naseem Tarawnah
Asia , Definitions of terrorism , Fear , Iraq , Isis , Israel , Jordan , Levant , Member states of the Arab League , Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation , Member states of the United Nations , Politics , Syria , Terrorism , War/Conflict

NASEEM TARAWNAH: Look east, look north, look south, look west – everywhere around Jordan spells trouble with a capital ‘T’.
Added on 08/11/2013
Jonathan Cook
Ashraf Khatib , Asia , Dror Etkes , Fertile Crescent , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , large natural gas deposits , Levant , Meged oil field , Oil , oil field , Oslo , Oslo Accords , Palestinian Environmental Quality Authority , Palestinian National Authority , Palestinian people , Palestinian Territories , Politics , United Nations General Assembly observers , USD , War/Conflict , West Bank , Western Asia , World Bank

JONATHAN COOK: It’s clear that Israeli policy is to ensure that any possibility of a future Palestinian state being economically viable remains very remote
Added on 29/10/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Al Qaeda , Asia , Fertile Crescent , Foreign relations of Iraq , Iraq , Iraqi insurgency , Levant , Member states of the Arab League , Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation , Member states of the United Nations , Middle East , Politics , Syria , United States , War/Conflict

RAMZY BAROUD: The sectarian genie that was released via the US invasion of Iraq is now running rampant around the Middle East
Added on 03/09/2013
American Israel Public Affairs Committee , Asia , Barack Obama , Chemical weapons , Congress , Fertile Crescent , Levant , Obama , Politics , President , Social Issues , Syria , United States , War/Conflict

MONDOWEISS: Is he about extracting the U.S from costly and involved foreign conflict or in favour of same? Maybe he’s the Drone Strike President?
Added on 15/06/2013
Mich Cafe
Arab diaspora , Asia , Forced migration , Internally displaced person , Iraq , Iraqis in Syria , Jordan , Lebanon , Levant , Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation , Member states of the United Nations , Middle East , Persecution , Politics , Politics of Syria , Protests in Syria , Refugee , Refugees of the 2011–2012 Syrian uprising , Rima Maktabi , Social Issues , Syria , Syria Relief , Turkey , United Nations , United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

MICH CAFE: If Americans diverted the money they spent in a month on ice-cream to the UN Syrian refugee fund the target would be met.
Added on 24/05/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Asia , Iraq , Israel , Levant , Middle East , Politics , Russia , United States , War/Conflict , Washington

RAMZY BAROUD: America’s current role as impotent looker-on is unprecedented in recent Middle Eastern history. This situation won’t continue indefinitely
Added on 16/05/2013
Common Ground News Service
Asia , Fertile Crescent , Lebanon , Levant , Social Issues , Women , Women's issues

NADIA AKL, CGNEWS: Until recently women, in spite of their clear achievements across many sectors, have been invisible in public discourse. That’s changing
Added on 18/04/2013
Common Ground News Service
Asia , Fertile Crescent , Health/Medical/Pharmaceuticals , Joseph Byrnes , Levant , Liza Hoover , Mohammed Zaher Sahloul , Syria , Syrian American Medical Society , Western Asia

KIRAN ANSARI, CGNEWS: Tired of watching the horror unveil on television a group of American medics have decided to take direct action
Added on 22/07/2012
David Roberts
Abdullah , Assad , Central Intelligence Agency , Chemical weapons , Churchill , Damascus , Euphrates , Greece , Hamas , Hassan Nasrallah , Hizballah , html , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Levant , Libya , Mediterranean , Middle East , Moscow , Operation Damascus Volcano , Qatar , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Security Council , Syria , Syrian army , Turkey , UN Security Council

DAVID ROBERTS: Russia is unfazed about alienating swathes of the Middle East not to mention the majority of Syrians, believing in time their position can be reasserted
Added on 11/07/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Egypt , Europe , Haaretz , Israel , Israeli army , Lebanon , Levant , Libya , Middle East , Mohammed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , North Africa , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Authority , President , Ramallah , Syria , Tunisia , United States

ROB L. WAGNER: The changes throughout the Arab world have made Israel very nervous indeed. And a nervous Israel is a dangerous Israel.
Added on 30/05/2012
Al Quds , Amman , Captain , Dead Sea , Food and Drink , France , Israel , Jordan , Levant , London , Maldives , Oman , United States Agency for International Development

SARAH WALTON: Wadi Rum, Dead Sea, Jerash – it’s a familiar tourist trail but don’t forget to spend some time in the capital, Amman
Added on 03/05/2012
David Roberts
Abdullah , Abu Dhabi , America , Arab Gulf , Bahrain , Doha , Dubai , Emir , European Union , Formula 1 , GCC , GCC Union , Gulf Cooperation Council , Gulf Union , Hamad al-Thani , Iran , Iraq , Kuwait , Kuwait’s Parliament , Levant , Manama , Middle East , oil fields , Oman , Qatar , Riyadh , Saud al-Faisal , Saudi Arabia , Saudi Arabian National Guard , Tehran , UAE , United Arab Emirates , United States

DAVID ROBERTS: There will be fine talk and likely a positive joint statement will be issued but no firm action will be agreed.
Added on 22/02/2012
America , Anthony Shadid , Beirut , Healthcare , Journalism , Lebanon , Levant , Middle East , Mount , Mount Lebanon , New York , Oklahoma , Syria , The Washington Post , United States

ANOUAR MAJID, TABSIR: The sudden demise of Anthony Shadid calls to mind the work of one of his relations.
Added on 07/12/2011
Steve Royston
Abbas , Anglican Church , Canada , Church of the Nativity , Egypt , Germany , Haifa , Israel , Jerusalem , Jordan , Lebanon , Levant , Middle East , Nablus , Netanyahu , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Syria , United Nations , West Bank , World Council of Churches

STEVE ROYSTON: The diversity of faiths, races and cultures in the Levant is one of its great strengths but this diversity is under threat.
Added on 27/04/2011
Juan Cole
Ali Abdullah Saleh , Bahrain , Bashar al-Assad , Damascus , Egypt , Gaza , Gulf Cooperation Council , Hamas , Hosni Mubarak , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon , Levant , Libya , Moroccan government , Mosul , Natural gas , Oil , Oman , President , Prime Minister , Riyadh , Sultan Qaboos , Syria , Tehran , Turkey , United States , Yemen

JUAN COLE: The Arab Spring is still producing some positive reforms and questioning of past corrupt practices, and even major governmental change.
Added on 11/04/2011
David Roberts
Abdullah , Abdullah II , Bahrain , Bahrain’s government , Doha , gas field , Gulf Co-operation Council , Gulf News , Hizballah , Iran , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Jordan , Josh Rogin , Kuwait , Kuwait Times , League of Nations , Levant , Muscat , oil fields , Oman , Qatar , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Shia , Spy , Tehran , UAE , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom

DAVID ROBERTS: These events take place in the context of growing Shia power, encapsulated by the notion of a Shia crescent ‘enveloping’ the region…
Added on 01/02/2011
The Moor Next Door
Afghanistan , Algeria , Algiers , America , Egypt , Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood , Energy , Europe , France , Iran , Islamist , Islamist party , Israel , Jimmy Carter , Levant , Mediterranean , Middle East , Oil , Persian Gulf , President , Southern Europe , Soviet Union , Taliban , Tehran , Tunisia , United States , US Federal Reserve

TMND: The dominant official American attitude toward democratic reform in Egypt is concerned with the possibility that the Muslim Brothers might sweep the polls.
Added on 26/01/2011
Steve Royston
2022 World Cup , Arabic , Arabic content , Doha , Facebook , Gulf Arab , Jeddah , Levant , Middle East , Mobile Phones , Oscars , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , The Arab News

STEVE ROYSTON: What troubles Arab intellectuals is that the use of the Arabic language is declining. There’s an Arabic interface for Facebook, yet 75% of Arab users prefer the English.
Added on 17/01/2011
James M. Dorsey
Algeria , Ali Bin Al Hussein , Asian Football Federation , Crown Prince , East Africa , FIFA , Football , Football riots , Iraq , James M. Dorsey , Jordan , Jordanian Football Association , Levant , Libya , Middle East , Morocco , North Africa , Palestinians , police officer , President , Prime Minister , Qatar , Rania , Samir Rifai , Saudi Arabia , Soccer , Syria , The Maghreb , Tunisia , United States , US embassy in Amman , Zine el Abidine Ben Ali

JAMES M. DORSEY: Mounting tension in Jordan is unlikely to produce the same result as protests in Tunisia, but promises to make soccer an increasing flashpoint…