Added on 18/02/2012
Michael J. Totten
Army , Assad , Beirut , Damascus , Facebook , Hizballah , KGB , Lebanon , Syria , The Wall Street Journal , YouTube

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: There isn’t a lot to laugh about in Syria at the moment but try telling that to the Syrians themselves.
Added on 12/02/2012
David Roberts
Aleppo , Arab League , Army , Assad , Bashar al-Assad , China , Energy , Free Syrian Army , Golan Heights , Hafez Al Assad , Hama , Hizballah , Iran , Jordan , Lebanon , Libya , Mediterranean Sea , Oil , President , Qatar , Quds Force , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Syrian army , Tehran , Turkey , United Nations , United Nations Security Council

DAVID ROBERTS: Working out exactly what must be done is fiendishly difficult; anyone who says they have a solution is grossly underestimating the complexities.
Added on 05/01/2012
Richard Silverstein
Barack Obama , gas prices , Hizballah , Iran , Israel , Israeli Air Force , Lebanon , Oil , Oil production , oil shipments , The NY Times , U.S. military , UN Security Council , United States

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: The NYT today departs from its usual cheer leading of the U.S. military, acknowledging Iran could close the Straits of Hormuz.
Added on 05/01/2012
David Roberts
Afghanistan , America , Christmas , Emir , Europe , Hamad Bin Khalifa al Thani , Hizballah , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , New Year's Day , Obama , Obama administration , Oil , President , Prime Minister , Qatar , Strait of Hormuz , Tehran , United Arab Emirates , United States

DAVID ROBERTS: It appears that both the United States and Iran’s domestic political requirements have spun the region into a dangerous spiral.
Added on 19/11/2011
Censorship , Egypt , Hizballah , Internet censorship , Israel , Libya , Literature , Saddam Hussein , Salman Rushdie , The Star , The Toronto Star , Toronto Star , Tripoli , Tunisia

M. LYNX-QUALEY: Who knows – it could set the template for a wave of such events. Libya’s ‘Book Un-Banning Ceremony’ is worth celebrating.
Added on 25/10/2011
James Mullan
Beirut , Hezbollah , Hizballah , Lebanese government , Lebanon , Telecommunications

NEWS ANALYSIS: Hezbollah’s plan to install a private telecommunications network in Lebanon is facing stiff opposition from residents in its path.
Added on 23/10/2011
James M. Dorsey
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Al Shabab , Ayman al-Zawahiri , Basketball , East Africa , Food and Drink , Hamas , handball , Hizballah , Islamist , James M. Dorsey , Lebanon , Middle East , Nanyang Technological University , North Africa , Osama Bin Laden , Palestinian Territories , President , recruitment tool , S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies , Singapore , Soccer , Somalia , Taliban , UN Court , United Nations , woman athlete

JAMES M. DORSEY: While Al Qaeda is attempting to portray a gentler face, distributing aid to famine victims, Al Shabab, are ensuring strict adherence to a ban on women’s sports.
Added on 16/10/2011
James M. Dorsey
Abdullah , Adel Al-Jubeir , Africa , Atlantic coast , Bahrain , Bashar al-Assad , East Africa , Egypt , Europe , Gilad Shalit , Hamas , Hizballah , Human Rights Watch , Iran , Iraq , Islamist government , Israel , Libya , Mahmoud Abbas , Manama , Massachusetts , Mexico , Middle East , North Africa , Obama administration , Oil , Palestine Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Quds Force , Salesman , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Texas , Tunisia , Turkey , United States , US government , Washington , Yemen

JAMES M. DORSEY: The people power movement has the most to lose and could find itself in the grinder as the United States, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran jockey for power.
Added on 09/10/2011
David Roberts
Ali Khamenei , America , Bahrain , Food and Drink , Gulf Cooperation Council , Hizballah , Iran , Iraq , Journalism , Journalist , Kuwait , Manama , Manama’s Pearl Square , Martial law , Middle East , Oman , Persian Gulf , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , Shura Council , Tehran , The Wall Street Journal , United Arab Emirates , United States

DAVID ROBERTS: The Wall Street Journal has published a very curious piece indeed on the relationship between Iran and Bahrain. It’s long on allegation but very short on proof.
Added on 08/09/2011
Chris Keeler
Amr Moussa , Arab League , Assad , Benghazi , Democracy , Hizballah , Iran , Iraq , Lebanon , Libya , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Secretary of State , Syria , Tehran , Turkey , United Nations

CHRIS KEELER: Non-violent protest appears to be nearing its end in Syria and there are signs that groups are organising an armed resistance against the regime.
Added on 07/08/2011
Michael J. Totten
Anwar Sadat , Armin Rosen , Army , Beirut , Bucharest , Budapest , Cairo , Center for Political and Strategic Studies , Democracy , EGP , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Electricity , Europe , Food and Drink , Free Egypt Party , Gamal Abdel Nasser , head of state , Hizballah , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Journalist , Lebanon , Middle East , Mohamed Hussein Tantawi , Mohammad Adel , Muslim Brotherhood , Paranoia , Prague , Prime Minister , Salafist , Supreme Council of the Armed Forces , Sweden , Syria , Tahrir Square , United States , vice chairman , Wafd , Wafd Party , Zamalek

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: I’ve spent a lot of time with the key players in Egypt’s developing democracy. It’s very clear that the real battle for the country’s – and the region’s – future has just begun.
Added on 05/08/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Army , Benjamin Netanyahu , CNN , Damascus , David Wurmser , France , Golan Heights , Hafez Al Assad , Hama , Hizballah , Iraq , Israel , Israeli army , Israeli government , Lebanon , Libya , President , Richard Perle , Sudan , Syria , Syrian army , Syrian Golan Heights , United States

RAMZY BAROUD: There is no simple linear reading of the events that have overwhelmed Syria in recent months. The country is deeply embroiled in so many vital, strategic regional issues.
Added on 19/07/2011
Naseem Tarawnah
Black September , Hamas , Hizballah , Iran , Jordan , One camp , Syria

NASEEM TARAWNAH: The recent protests in Jordan appear to have attracted attention only because of the number of journalists who were attacked. It offers, however, more evidence of a deeply divided nation.
Added on 16/07/2011
James M. Dorsey
Arab League , Barack Obama , Bashar al-Assad , Damascus , East Africa , Egypt , Europe , Hafez Al Assad , Hillary Rodham Clinton , Hizballah , Impotence , Iran , Lebanon , Middle East , North Africa , Obama administration , Oil , President , Prime Minister , Rafik Hariri , Saudi Arabia , Secretary of State , Syria , Tunisia , United States

JAMES M. DORSEY: The AL’s newly appointed secretary general, denounced the Obama administration for declaring the Syrian leader had lost legitimacy.
Added on 28/06/2011
Juan Cole
Aleppo , Arab League , Bashar al-Assad , Ben Ali , Damascus , Egypt , Facebook , Fatah , Gaza , Hamas , Hizballah , Israel , Khaled Meshaal , Lebanon , Libya , Mubarak , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Qatar , Syria , Syrian government , Tunisia , Turkey

PAUL NOTAR, INFORMED COMMENT: He’s always been a skilful player of ‘the Palestinian Card’ but as the region changes his hold on that particular narrative is no longer exclusive.
Added on 15/06/2011
Michael J. Totten
Bashar al-Assad , Beirut , Damascus , Hizballah , Lebanon , Libya , Syria , The Times

MICHAEL TOTTEN: Walid Jumblatt, Lebanon’s so-called political weathervane, is on the move again. Bad weather on the horizon for Bashar al-Assad, then?
Added on 11/06/2011
Actor , Afghanistan , America , Barack Obama , Binyamin Netanyahu , Central Intelligence Agency , Congress , Egypt , Fatah , Federal Bureau of Investigation , Hamas , Hizballah , IPad , iPhone , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jerusalem , Libya , Middle East , Mossad , oil prices , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Shin Bet , United States , West Bank , White House

LEONAR NIMOY, TABSIR: There is a viable plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s the ‘two-state’ solution and its application is, how should I put it, simply logical.
Added on 12/05/2011
Alan Dershowitz , Australia , Berlin , Center for American Progress , Congress , Ehud Barak , Haaretz , Hamas , Hizballah , Iran , Iranian government , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Israel Defense Forces , Israel Radio , Jeffrey Goldberg , Jordan , Labour Party , Matt Duss , Memorial Day , Middle East , Netanyahu , New America Foundation , Pakistan , Palestine , Pentagon , President , Prime Minister , Shimon Peres , South Africa , Steve Clemons , Tehran , U.S. intelligence , United States , United States government , Washington Institute , Washington Institute for Near East Policy

MONDOWEISS: If Iran ever acquired nuclear weapons would it launch an attack on Israel? “Not on us and not on any neighbor.” The speaker? Ehud Barak…
Added on 11/05/2011
Omar al-Issawi
Afghanistan , Al Ahram , Algeria , Anwar Sadat , Beirut , Christianity , Christmas , Easter , Egypt , Europe , Gamal Abdul Nasser , Grand Mosque , Hamas , Hizballah , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Lebanon , Libya , Mecca , Michel Aflaq , Middle East , Oil , Osama Bin Laden , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Peace , President , Salah Al Bitar , Spain , Sudan , Syria , Tehran , the Egyptian daily , Turkey , United States , US House of Representatives , Yasser Arafat

OMAR AL ISSAWI: The latest round of sectarian strife in Egypt is not about sectarian confrontation. It is about ignorance.
Added on 16/04/2011
Michael J. Totten
America , Arab League , Assad , Baath Party in Syria , Beirut , Damascus , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Green Movement , guard , Hamas , Hizballah , Iran , Israel , Lebanon , Libya , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , President , Protests , Syria

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Now that the Arab revolt is slamming hard into Bashar al-Assad’s Baath Party in Syria, no dictator will be able to sleep without consuming copious amounts of pills.