Ramzy Baroud

Libya & NATO: “To the Victor the Spoils”?

Libya & NATO: “To the Victor the Spoils”?

RAMZY BAROUD: The intervention by NATO in Libya was driven by clear, strategic political and economic interests. Their aims are unlikely, however, to be in the best interests of the Libyan people.

 The Moor Next Door

Libya and the U.S.: America’s Uncomfortable Role

Libya and the U.S.: America’s Uncomfortable Role

THE MOORE NEXT DOOR: The incentive to exaggerate America’s role is high on one side; the opposite push to down play its overall relevance will grow.

 Juan Cole

Top Ten Myths about the Libyan Revolution

Top Ten Myths about the Libyan Revolution

JUAN COLE: It is worthwhile reviewing the myths about the Libyan Revolution that led so many observers to make so many fantastic or just mistaken assertions about it.

 James M. Dorsey

Arab League Exhibits Its Impotence (Again)

Arab League Exhibits Its Impotence (Again)

JAMES M. DORSEY: The AL’s newly appointed secretary general, denounced the Obama administration for declaring the Syrian leader had lost legitimacy.

 Juan Cole

‘All Very Messy’. The Top Five Crises in the Arab Spring

‘All Very Messy’. The Top Five Crises in the Arab Spring

JUAN COLE: Protestors are out on Tahrir Square again, there is a television ‘debate’ in Syria about democracy, the Americans are working on Saleh while vacillating on Libya and protestors are out on the street in Morocco. A busy week in the region then.

 Common Ground News Service

‘Audacity of Hope’ Unlikely to Protect Gaza Flotilla Boat

‘Audacity of Hope’ Unlikely to Protect Gaza Flotilla Boat

IRA GLUNTS, MONDOWEISS: The American boat due to participate in the upcoming flotilla to Gaza is named after one of President Obama’s books. Will hope be enough for those on board?

 Juan Cole

Top Ten Mistakes of the Libyan ‘Intervention’

Top Ten Mistakes of the Libyan ‘Intervention’

JUAN COLE: I believe it’s legal but that doesn’t mean that the West’s military intervention in Libya has been wisely handled.

 James M. Dorsey

Syria: Where Inaction Becomes Complicity

Syria: Where Inaction Becomes Complicity

JAMES M. DORSEY: Syria’s increasingly brutal crackdown on anti-government protesters begs the question: when does inaction morph into complicity?

 Common Ground News Service

The ’67 Borders: Who’s Happy to Accept Them?

The ’67 Borders: Who’s Happy to Accept Them?

DAHLIA SCHEINDLIN, CGNEWS: There are a group of people who, it would appear, support Barack Obama’s vision (and that of most of the rest of the world) for a Palestinian State.


‘Live Long and Prosper’: My Message to Region

‘Live Long and Prosper’: My Message to Region

LEONAR NIMOY, TABSIR: There is a viable plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s the ‘two-state’ solution and its application is, how should I put it, simply logical.

 Steve Royston

Where is the ‘Arab Lobby’ in the United States?

Where is the ‘Arab Lobby’ in the United States?

STEVE ROYSTON: There are many reasons why the ‘Arab Voice’ is so weak in the United States. But that doesn’t give leaders and opinion formers an excuse.

 Common Ground News Service

Obama and the ‘D’ Word: A Tale of Two Speeches

Obama and the ‘D’ Word: A Tale of Two Speeches

DALIA MOGAHED, CGNEWS: In Cairo two years ago there was not a single mention of it. This time around it featured nine times – the word is ‘democracy’.

 Dr Abdulkhaleq Abdullah

GCC Clings to ‘Comfort Blanket’ Status Quo

GCC Clings to ‘Comfort Blanket’ Status Quo

ABDULKHALEQ ABDULLAH: The situation in Bahrain has seriously unnerved other Gulf states and has significantly undermined attempts to promote democracy throughout the region.

 Sultan Al Qassemi

A Compelling Case for a UAE State of the Union Address

A Compelling Case for a UAE State of the Union Address

SULTAN AL QASSEMI: This year is an ideal time for the UAE, the only successful union in the Arab world, to institutionalise a State of the Federation address.


Masterful Obama Delivers Rebuke to Jewish Lobby

Masterful Obama Delivers Rebuke to Jewish Lobby

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: A visibly angry Barack Obama, fresh from yet another humiliation at the hand of Benjamin Netanyahu, delivered a stinging rebuke to the Jewish lobby at the AIPAC conference.

 The Moor Next Door

Obama’s Speech: The Key Points Made

Obama’s Speech: The Key Points Made

THE MOOR NEXT DOOR: There was little new in Obama’s ‘Arab Spring’ speech. Nervous light criticism of Bahrain, no reference to Gulf allies and a minor poke of Israel.

 Hisham Wyne

Obama Speech: Historical, Rather Than Hopeful

Obama Speech: Historical, Rather Than Hopeful

HISHAM WYNE: President Obama delivered a fluent summing up of recent developments. For those closer to the action, however, there was little new or substantive.

 Common Ground News Service

Time for Muslims to Re-Discover their Voices

Time for Muslims to Re-Discover their Voices

SYDNEY SMITH: Most Muslims, it appears, are relieved that bin Laden is gone but how do they deal with the prejudice and suspicion engendered by his deeds?

 Common Ground News Service

Israel, U.S. Players Recognise Urgency Of Peace Agreement

Israel, U.S. Players Recognise Urgency Of Peace Agreement

MICHAEL FELSEN, CGNEWS: The Israeli Peace Initiative which was unveiled in April has an ambitious goal, namely the resolution of all claims.

 Common Ground News Service

Time is Ripe for Re-alignment of U.S/Pakistan Relations

Time is Ripe for Re-alignment of U.S/Pakistan Relations

HUMA YUSUF, CGNEWS: The way in which the United States summarily despatched Osama bin Laden on Pakistani territory has alarmed and upset many in the country. Unlikely as it seems there is, however, room for optimism.