Added on 30/09/2011
James M. Dorsey
Abdullah , Abu Dhabi , Arab Spring , Bahrain , Banking , Dubai , East Africa , Egypt , fencing , GCC , Gulf Cooperation Council , handball , Jordan , Kuwait , Libya , Manama , Middle East , Morocco , North Africa , Oil , oil prices , Oil wealth , Oman , Pandora's box , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , Sultan Qaboos bin Said , Syria , Tunisia , United Arab Emirates , Yemen

JAMES M. DORSEY: Their reluctance to be proactive rather than reactive has so far shielded the GCC from the revolt. The question is for how long, and what’s the price?
Added on 26/05/2011
Dr Abdulkhaleq Abdullah
Abdulkhaleq Abdullah , Arab Gulf , Bahrain , Barack Obama , Democracy , Egypt , Gulf News , Iraq , Kuwait , Libya , Middle East , Oman , Pandora's box , President , Syria , Tunisia , UAE , UAE University , United States

ABDULKHALEQ ABDULLAH: The situation in Bahrain has seriously unnerved other Gulf states and has significantly undermined attempts to promote democracy throughout the region.