Common Ground News Service

Striking a Chord: Palestinian and Israeli Youth Sing Together

Striking a Chord: Palestinian and Israeli Youth Sing Together

LINDA ABDUL AZIZ MENUHIN, CGNEWS: An initiative that brings young Palestinians and Israelis together for group singing has been embraced by both communities

 Richard Silverstein

58% of Israeli Jews Label Their State ‘Apartheid’

58% of Israeli Jews Label Their State ‘Apartheid’

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Yet another indication of the racism that infects not just the Israeli poor or uneducated, but the media elite and virtually every (Jewish) strata as well.

 Jonathan Cook

Israel’s Systematic Destruction of Palestine’s Mosques

Israel’s Systematic Destruction of Palestine’s Mosques

JONATHAN COOK: Proof that Israel has been engaging in a proactive campaign to destroy Islamic places of worship under its control is there for all to see.

 Common Ground News Service

Hunger Strike Success: Victory for Non-Violence

Hunger Strike Success: Victory for Non-Violence

DAWOUD ABU LEDDEH, CGNEWS: The recent hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners marked a sea-change in opposition to occupation.

 Common Ground News Service

Commemorating Both Sides: A Difficult Choice

Commemorating Both Sides: A Difficult Choice

EINAT LEVY, CGNEWS: A ceremony that celebrates the sanctity of life rather than death leaves one feeling strengthened rather than fearful

 Common Ground News Service

Three Steps to a ‘New Israel’: It Can Be Done

Three Steps to a ‘New Israel’: It Can Be Done

BEN LYNFIELD, CGNEWS: Gershom Gorenberg, an Israeli historian, spells out how Israel can re-invent itself as a liberal democracy


One Jewish Woman’s Fight for Palestine

One Jewish Woman’s Fight for Palestine

SUHAIBWEBB, YASMINE MOGAHEAD: Listening to the wailing she watched as workers laid out the bodies, corpses loaded onto the back of a truck.

 Common Ground News Service

The ’67 Borders: Who’s Happy to Accept Them?

The ’67 Borders: Who’s Happy to Accept Them?

DAHLIA SCHEINDLIN, CGNEWS: There are a group of people who, it would appear, support Barack Obama’s vision (and that of most of the rest of the world) for a Palestinian State.