Added on 09/11/2012
Francis Matthew
Afghanistan , America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Cairo , Congress , Department of State , Guantanamo Bay , Hillary Clinton , House of Representatives , India , Iran , Israel , John Kerry , Keith Ellison , Minnesota , Pakistan , President , Prime Minister , Secretary of State , Senate , Susan Rice , Tom Donilon , U.S. Presidential Elections , UN Security Council , United Nations , United States , Washington , West Bank

Obama set to Disappoint Friends Around the World

FRANCIS MATTHEW:Obama failed to deliver this vision in his first term, and sadly, it is unlikely that he will use his second term to re-find his sense of purpose in the world.
Added on 27/08/2011
The Moor Next Door
America , Barack Obama , George Bush , Iraq , Libya , Libyan government , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama administration , President , Steve Clemons , Susan Rice , The National Interest , U.S. military , United States

Libya and the U.S.: America’s Uncomfortable Role

THE MOORE NEXT DOOR: The incentive to exaggerate America’s role is high on one side; the opposite push to down play its overall relevance will grow.
Added on 20/02/2011
America , Barack Obama , Cairo , Civil society , Elliott Abrams , Hillary Clinton , Human Rights Watch , Israel , Jennifer Rubin , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Obama , Obama administration , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Peace , President , Sarah Leah Whitson , Secretary of State , Security Council , Susan Rice , Tahrir Square , U.S. Congress , United Nations , United States , Washington , West Bank

Democracy: U.S. Speaks With a ‘Forked Tongue’

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: Fine words in Cairo almost two years ago are forgotten when the Israeli lobby makes a call for a vote on illegal West Bank settlements…