Added on 21/10/2011
Juan Cole
Abu Salim prison , Arab League , Baghdad , Beirut , Brazil , congressman , Egypt , Food and Drink , International Criminal Court , Jim Jones , Jonestown , Liberia , Libya , Mediterranean , Myanmar , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil production , Oil states , Poland , President , Qaddafi , Scotland , Security Council , Sierra Leone , Transitional National Council , Tripoli , Tunisia

The Inevitably Brutal End of Qaddafi’s ‘Cult’

JUAN COLE: The demise of Qaddafi means there’s a contiguous bloc of 100 million Arabs who’ve thrown off dictatorship. The violent end was inevitable.
Added on 11/07/2011
Juan Cole
Ali Abdullah Saleh , Barack Obama , Cairo , Casablanca , Democracy , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Essam Sharaf , France , Gulf Cooperation Council , Hosni Mubarak , Italy , John Brennan , Libya , Middle East , Morocco , Muammar Qaddafi , Mustafa Abdel Jalil , Nicolas Sarkozy , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Obama administration , Oil states , Pentagon , President , Prime Minister , Rabat , Riyadh , Silvio Berlusconi , Syria , Tahrir Square , Transitional National Council , Tripoli , Turkey , United Nations , United States , White House , Yemen

‘All Very Messy’. The Top Five Crises in the Arab Spring

JUAN COLE: Protestors are out on Tahrir Square again, there is a television ‘debate’ in Syria about democracy, the Americans are working on Saleh while vacillating on Libya and protestors are out on the street in Morocco. A busy week in the region then.
Added on 17/01/2011
Hisham Wyne
Algeria , Ben Ali , Democracy , Egypt , Europe , Iraq , Julian Assange , Kuwait , Libya , Mubarak , Oil states , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , Tunisia , Twitter , UAE , United Arab Emirates , United States , Yemen

Tunisia is a Wake Up Call, but for the Pundits

HISHAM WYNE: Tunisa’s revolution has little to do with the ideals of democracy. It’s a simple cry for better quality of life.