Added on 22/03/2014
Juan Cole
AIDS denialism , Chadian–Libyan conflict , FACEBOOK INC. , Gaddafi family , Government , Hosni Mubarak , Libya , Middle East , Military dictatorship , Muammar Gaddafi , Pan-Africanism , Political geography , Politics , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Social Media , Technology/Internet
JUAN COLE: Let it be a warning to dictators around the world – a clumsy attempt to shut down Twitter in Turkey back-fires.
Added on 23/12/2013
Juan Cole
Ankara , Egypt , Fethullah Gülen , Government , Gülen movement , Islamism , Justice and Development Party , Paranoia , Politics , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Religion , Tayyip Erdogan , Turkey , Turkish model
JUAN COLE: He has accomplished much but has been caught in a swirl of corruption allegations and is soundingly increasingly shrill
Added on 11/12/2013
Juan Cole
Ali Khamenei , Anti-Zionism , Benjamin Netanyahu , Binyamin Netanyahu , Gaza Strip , Government , Hamas , Hezbollah , Iran , Iran–Israel relations , Iran–Lebanon relations , Israel , Israeli–Lebanese conflict , Jordan , Politics , President , Prime Minister , United Nations , War/Conflict
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu demanded on Sunday that the world community constrain Iran to change its “genocidal policy” toward Israel, in the course of a speech in which he attacked President Obama’s current round of negotiations with Iran over its civilian nuclear enrichment program.
JUAN COLE: It appears that a light foam forms on Binyamin Netanyahu’s lips when he begins speaking about Iran. Not all Israeli politicians are like him
Added on 16/10/2013
Al Qaeda , Central Intelligence Agency , Drone attacks in Pakistan , Government , Government of Afghanistan , Islam , Islamism , Nabila , Organized crime , Pakistan , Politics , Politics of Afghanistan , President , Taliban , Unmanned aerial vehicle , War in Afghanistan , War on Terror
MONDOWEISS: In an open letter to President Obama a young Pakistani woman welcomes his meeting with Malala but asks about victims of U.S drone strikes
Added on 15/10/2013
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Benazir Bhutto , Bhutto family , Daily Mail and General Trust , Ed Miliband , Government , Hitler , Miliband , Pakistan , Politics , Politics of Pakistan , Ralph Miliband , Sheikh Hasina , Sindhi people , Viscount Rothermere
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: The influence that ‘the father’ has exerted over leading female politicians has varied considerably
Added on 03/09/2013
The View From Fez
Abdelilah Benkirane , Ennahda , Government , Guillaume Klein , Islam , Islamism , Istiqlal Party , Justice and Development Party , King , Morocco , Muslim Brotherhood , Party of Justice and Development , PJD , Politics
THE VIEW FROM FEZ: Two years after sweeping to power Morocco’s ruling party is living on borrowed time, it seems
Added on 27/06/2013
Common Ground News Service
Africa , Ansar Al-Sharia , Arab world , Ennahda , Ennahda Movement , Founding Council , Government , International relations , Mohamed Messai , North Africa , Politics , Rashid al-Ghannushi , Religion/Belief , Sharia , Sousse , Tunisia , Tunisian Constituent Assembly election , Violence
MOHAMMED MESSAI, CGNEWS: Rather than being a last resort the lure of the gun is proving irresistible to all across the political spectrum
Added on 24/05/2013
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Barack Obama , Barack Obama foreign policy , Central Intelligence Agency , Congress , Drone attacks in Pakistan , Government , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Islamism , Obama , Politics , President , United States , Unmanned aerial vehicle , US government , War in Afghanistan
JUAN COLE: Some praise is due but Obama remains wedded to the idea that extra-judicial assassination is an effective counter-terror tool.
Added on 03/04/2013
Juan Cole
American Enterprise Institute , Bush Administration , Cheney , Counter-terrorism , Dick Cheney , Extraordinary rendition , Government , International relations , Jon Stewart , Politics , Politics of the United States , Waterboarding
JUAN COLE: ‘Explain what you meant by this punchline’. Yes, the surreal became real for Egyptian satirist Bassem Youssef this week.
Added on 30/03/2013
Arab–Israeli conflict , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Government , Human rights in Israel , International relations , Israel , Israel and the apartheid analogy , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Jerusalem , Mahmoud Abbas , Obama , PA , Palestinian nationalism , Palestinian Territories , Politics , State of Palestine , United States , West Bank
If you ever had a burning desire to see the American-Israeli alliance shine, there wasn't a better place to be than Jerusalem last week.
MONDOWEISS: If you had a desire to see the U.S.-Israeli alliance shine, there wasn’t a better place than Jerusalem last week.
Added on 18/12/2011
Rania Al Malky
Army , Egypt , Government , President , SCAF , Supreme Council of the Armed Forces
RANIA AL MALKY: No matter reservations we have about the next parliament, clearly to be dominated by Islamists, it must be given full authority…
Added on 24/04/2011
Mishaal Al Gergawi
anthropologist , Bahrain , Dubai , European Union , Facebook , GCC , Government , Gulf News , Iran , Jeddah , United Arab Emirates
MISHAAL AL GERGAWI: In the GCC what we need is an intellectual evolution of enlightenment not a political
revolution against government.
Added on 26/12/2010
Steve Royston
Afghanistan , Democracy , Egypt , Government , Iran , Kabul
STEVE ROYSTON: The concept of government for the people and by the people – is as far from a reality at the end of 2010 as it ever was.