Added on 17/02/2014
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , America , American Muslims , Antisemitism in the United States , Anwar al-Awlaki , Central Intelligence Agency , Department of Justice , Edward Snowden , Eric Holder , Extrajudicial killing , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Islamism , Obama administration , Pakistan , Politics , Presidency of Barack Obama , President , Religion , Robert Gibbs , United States , United States government , Unmanned aerial vehicle , White House , Yemen
PETER VAN BUREN, INFORMED COMMENT: Drone attacks on U.S nationals overseas could be a portent of things to come at home.
Added on 23/12/2013
Juan Cole
Ankara , Egypt , Fethullah Gülen , Government , Gülen movement , Islamism , Justice and Development Party , Paranoia , Politics , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Religion , Tayyip Erdogan , Turkey , Turkish model
JUAN COLE: He has accomplished much but has been caught in a swirl of corruption allegations and is soundingly increasingly shrill
Added on 16/10/2013
Al Qaeda , Central Intelligence Agency , Drone attacks in Pakistan , Government , Government of Afghanistan , Islam , Islamism , Nabila , Organized crime , Pakistan , Politics , Politics of Afghanistan , President , Taliban , Unmanned aerial vehicle , War in Afghanistan , War on Terror
MONDOWEISS: In an open letter to President Obama a young Pakistani woman welcomes his meeting with Malala but asks about victims of U.S drone strikes
Added on 03/09/2013
The View From Fez
Abdelilah Benkirane , Ennahda , Government , Guillaume Klein , Islam , Islamism , Istiqlal Party , Justice and Development Party , King , Morocco , Muslim Brotherhood , Party of Justice and Development , PJD , Politics
THE VIEW FROM FEZ: Two years after sweeping to power Morocco’s ruling party is living on borrowed time, it seems
Added on 17/08/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Africa , Arab Spring , Arab world , Egypt , Egyptian revolution , Hosni Mubarak , Islamism , Member states of La Francophonie , Member states of the Arab League , Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation , Member states of the United Nations , Middle East , Mohammed Mursi , National Democratic Party , National Liberation Front , Nonviolent revolutions , North Africa , Politics , Politics of Egypt , Protests in Egypt , Tunisia
RAMZY BAROUD: in the words of Victor Hugo ‘to simplify is to be an idiot’ and when assessing the turmoil affecting the Middle East there is a lot of simplified commentary
Added on 08/08/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Africa , Algeria , Arab Spring , Arab world , Army , Egypt , Hosni Mubarak , Islamism , Member states of the African Union , Member states of the Arab League , Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation , Member states of the Union for the Mediterranean , Member states of the United Nations , Politics , Tunisia , War/Conflict
RAMZY BAROUD: The parallels between the two countries are uncannily similar. What route will the Egyptian people choose?
Added on 18/07/2013
Common Ground News Service
Al-Nour Party , Arab world , Egypt , Egyptian revolution , Freedom and Justice Party , Islamism , Islamist groups , Middle East , Mohamed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood , Politics , Politics of Egypt , President , Protests in Egypt
MOHAMED EL SAYED, CGNEWS: Whatever your views about what has happened recently in Egypt it’s clear where we need to go from here.
Added on 10/07/2013
Steve Royston
Al-Muhajiroun , Anjem , Anjem Choudary , Channel Four Television Corporation , Daily Mail , Islam , Islam in the United Kingdom , Islamism , Islamist groups , Ramadan , Religion/Belief , Terrorism in the United Kingdom , WILSON ASA
There is Islamophobia, and then there is silliness. When I first skimmed A.N. Wilson’s rant in last week’s Daily Mail about the UK’s Channel 4’s plans to broadcast the first prayer call during Ramadan, I thought oh oh, here’s the Mail doing its usual bit to rouse Middle England against the creeping erosion of our […]
Added on 10/07/2013
Common Ground News Service
Islamic Government: Governance of the Jurist , Islamism , Mohamed Morsi , Politics , President , Religion/Belief , Ruhollah Khomeini
NADINE EL SAYED: I supported the demonstrations that have helped topple President Morsi but I’m acutely aware of the feelings of his supporters
Added on 09/07/2013
Asia , Barak Obama , Democracy , Egypt , Egyptian revolution , Elections , Government of Egypt , Hosni Mubarak , Islam in Egypt , Islamism , Legitimacy , Middle East , Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood , Politics , Politics of Egypt , President , Shura Council , Supreme Council of the Armed Forces , Syria , United States
HANI SHURKALLAH, TABSIR: How could the people of Egypt support the parody of democracy that the Muslim Brotherhood had established?
Added on 07/07/2013
Arab Spring , Arab world , David Brooks , Egypt , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Islamism , Middle East , MORSI CORP. , North Africa , Politics , THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY
DANIEL M. VARISCO: David Brooks is taking a dangerous road by ascribing what he calls ‘mental deficiencies’ to the Egyptian people.
Added on 05/07/2013
Juan Cole
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi , Egypt , Egyptian revolution , Freedom and Justice Party , Islam , Islam in Egypt , Islamism , Kuomintang , Mohamed Morsy , Muhammad Morsi , Muhammad Mursi , Muslim Brotherhood , officer , Politics , Politics of Egypt , President , Saad Katatni , Tamarrud Movement , War/Conflict
JUAN COLE: The Muslim Brotherhood faces a choice. If they go one route it could lead Egypt into a period of profound and long-lasting devastation
Added on 05/06/2013
James M. Dorsey
Cairo , Egypt , Erdogan , Fethullah Gülen , Islam , Islamism , Istanbul , Ottoman architecture , Politics , President , Tahrir Square , Taksim , Taksim Square , Tourism , Turkey , Turkish architecture , Turkish art , War/Conflict
JAMES M. DORSEY: Once again battle-hardened football fans are taking the lead in confronting a regime. We’ve been here before.
Added on 24/05/2013
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Barack Obama , Barack Obama foreign policy , Central Intelligence Agency , Congress , Drone attacks in Pakistan , Government , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Islamism , Obama , Politics , President , United States , Unmanned aerial vehicle , US government , War in Afghanistan
JUAN COLE: Some praise is due but Obama remains wedded to the idea that extra-judicial assassination is an effective counter-terror tool.
Added on 05/05/2013
Dhofari Gucci
Islam , Islamism , Religion/Belief , Salalah , Saudi Arabia , Wahhabi
DHOFARI GUCCI: A disturbing propaganda campaign is being spread throughout schools in Dhofar.
Added on 09/04/2013
Francis Matthew
Arab nationalism , Arab socialism , Egypt , Gamal Abdel Nasser , Islamism , Pan-Arabism , Politics
The Arab world is suffering from a lack of secular inspiration. There are plenty of leaders who find their political language in religion, but no secular leader or thinker is inspiring the crowds all over the Middle East as happened a generation ago.
FRANCIS MATTHEW: The Arab world is suffering from a lack of secular inspiration: No secular leader or thinker is inspiring the crowds.
Added on 18/01/2013
Common Ground News Service
Criticism of Islam , Delong , Editor-in-Chief , Education , Health/Medical/Pharmaceuticals , Islam , Islamism , Jihad , John Esposito , Monotheism , Natana J. DeLong-Bas , Religion , Religion/Belief , The [Oxford] Encyclopedia , Violence , Wahhabi
NATALA DE-LONG BAS, CGNEWS: Two years into the Arab Spring and what advances have really been made by women in their battle for equality?
Added on 08/01/2012
Bernard Lewis , Democracy , Iran , Islam , Islamism , Mecca , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , New York Times , Republican Party , Shariah law
DANIEL M. VARISCO: The right-wing media in the United States, in particular, has worked itself into a frenzy about the term ‘Islamism’. They need to chill and think straight.