Crying Islamophobia: The Sure Route to Victimhood

EMRE KAZIM, CGNEWS: Muslims, particularly in the UK, need to be much more pro-active in seizing the narrative of their own lives
British Muslims Express Horror Over Lee Rigby’s Murder

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Virtually every mainstream Muslim organisation has been unequivocal in its condemnation of the appalling murder of the young soldier
‘My Reaction As a British Muslim to the Woolwich Attack’

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: It was a shocking, brutal incident that has evoked an understandable maelstrom of emotion. Here are my initial thoughts and feelings
African-American Integration in U.S ‘A Model for Muslims’

JOCEYLINE CESARI, CGNEWS: Muslim communities across the globe need to take inspiration from the African-American community on how to integrate within indigenous societies
Thriving: The ‘Hate All Muslims Industry’ Is ‘In Full Flow’

RAMZY BAROUD: The anti-Muslim brigade who take to the media at every possible opportunity received another boost with the Boston bombing.
True Multi-Cultural Hero: The Surprise That Is St George

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: He’s been adopted by the English right-wing as a symbol of racial purity. He actually stood for nothing of the sort.
Boston Bombings Unleash ‘Fresh Wave of Islamophobia’

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: It began even before we discovered that the two perpetrators were indeed of Muslim extraction. It’s set to be very ugly again.