The ‘Society’ Excuse: Sorry, It No Longer Washes
EMAN AL NAFJAN: When women are stopped driving in Saudi Arabia it’s generally a policeman who does the stopping.
Progress In Protection from Abuse? Good for 15th Century
EMAN AL NAFJAN: Progress is being made in helping to protect women and children in the Kingdom from domestic abuse. But it’s painfully slow progress.
‘Wadjda’: Is It The First Good Saudi-made Movie?
EMAN AL NAFJAN: Go see it is my recommendation and the movie reminds me of my own childhood growing up in the Kingdom
Is It Time for Europe to Ban Saudi Men from Driving?
EMAN AL NAFJAN: So Kuwait is thinking about changing its laws to suit Saudi Arabia. Maybe it’s time for the European Union to take a leaf out of their book
Saudi’s ‘White Ribbon Campaign’: Conservatives Lash Out
EMAN AL NAFJAN: Saudis are generally at ease with international campaigns such as Breast Cancer Awareness. Why the furore over the White Ribbon campaign?
Women’s Rights in Kingdom: Fragile Progress Made
EMAN AL NAFJAN: It’s indisputable that women are making strides in Saudi Arabia but this progress could be swept aside at a stroke
Suffer Little Children: Time for Saudi Protection Laws
EMAN AL NAFJAN: There have been so many horrific crimes reported against children with frighteningly lenient sentences. Enough is enough
iPads and Infidels: Inaccurate, Superficial Saudi View
EMAN AL-NAFJAN: Here we go again – another foreigner rattles out yet another ‘analysis’ of Saudi Arabia that seems to have been pre-cooked.
Democracy in Saudi Arabia: Is It Inevitable?
EMAN AL NAFJAN: In a wide ranging article on democracy around the world I was asked to consider its place in Saudi Arabia. Here’s my response
My Saudi Heroes: People Who’ve Made A Difference
EMAN AL NAFJAN: They’re individuals who have inspired others with their courage, their humanity and their personal example.
Saudi Women In Olympics: Kingdom ‘Gets the Bug’
EMAN AL NAFJAN: The Olympics usually barely registers on Saudi consciousness. This time round, though, things are different
Family Destroyed In Muttawa Car Chase: Action Required
EMAN AL NAFJAN: It’s not the first time that people have ended up dead or seriously injured following a car chase but this incident has caused great outrage.
Manal Al Sharif: The Woman Who Divides Saudi Arabia
EMAN AL NAFJAN: She is a woman of undoubted moral courage who once again has come under sustained attack within the Kingdom.
Confrontation in a Riyadh Mall: Nail Polish v ‘Virtue’
EMAN AL NAFJAN: The video’s gone viral but what’s the real meaning of the ‘Battle of the Riyadh Mall’?
Manal’s Speech: Three Lines of Attack by Saudis
EMAN AL NAFJAN: The 17 minute speech that Manal Al Sharif delivered on receiving the Vaclav Havel Prize last week has unleashed a hail of vitriol
Saudi Education: Could Do A Lot Better
EMAN AL NAFJAN: There seems to be no will to change the Saudi education system. It’s in need of a major overhaul
‘Stand Up to IOC on Women’ Says Saudi Cleric
EMAN AL NAFJAN: Saudi conservatives appear to be spoiling for a fight with the IOC over women’s participation in sport.
No More ‘Jaw-Jaw’ on Syria: Action Needed
EMAN AL-NAFJAN: Syria seems to have captured the attention of the region’s religious leaders but still the international community just talks
Back in Gear: Saudi Women Driver’s Campaign
EMAN AL NAFJAN: There have been several significant developments this week in the campaign to allow women to drive in the Kingdom