Mona Prince – Writer, Activist, Contrarian. But Always ‘Herself’
ALEXIA UNDERWOOD, ARABLIT: She was a presidential candidate so it’s not surprising that Mona Prince has much to say about today’s Egypt
Unwanted Advice in Dhofar: It’s a ‘Love Thing’
DHOFARI GUCCI: On a recent visit to a supermarket I was confronted by someone I didn’t know who wanted to change my life. It’s an all too common occurrence
‘If Only’: A Young, Syrian Poet’s Searing Words
M. LYNX-QUALEY: A young Syrian poet writes about the horror that she has witnessed in her homeland.
Fatherhood: The Ultimate Cure for Writer’s Block
NASEEM TARAWNAH: There seemed no point in committing my thoughts, views, opinions feelings to print until now.
Five Books To Get You Started on Arabic Literature
M. LYNX-QUALEY: ‘There’s far too much to choose from. Where do I start is?’ a common complaint. So here are a few primers.
Rihanna’s Cultural Heist: An Act Against Womanhood
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Rihanna’s plan was to use Muslim culture to ‘enhance her own brand’. She knows nothing of the lives of Muslim women.
Palestine: Educational Boycotts Are ‘A Very Bad Idea’
DR DANIEL MOSES, CGNEWS: Ecomomic boycotts are one thing but banning people from both sides speaking to each other for educational purposes is wrong.
A Tale of Hunger, An Empty Fridge and A Rubber Duck
THE VIEW FROM FEZ: The last thing you need when you’re searcing for sustenance at 3.30 in the morning is a practical joke. Watch out, Doug!
Midaq Alley: A Slice of Cairo Brilliantly Revealed
DANIEL M. VARISCO: The incomparable Naguib Mahfouz had a brilliant eye for the detail that revealed Cairo everyday life. Here’s one of my favourite passages.
Message to Myriam – ‘You Have Plenty to Be Modest About’
Lebanese singer Myriam Fares' latest television appearance has left viewers less than impressed.
RACHEL MCARTHUR: She’s made plenty of headlines this week but she would do well to reflect on the word ‘modesty’ in all its senses
Dubai Puzzle: ‘When’s A Gardener Not a Gardener?
ALEXANDER MCNABB: And the answer is – when he washes your car! Dubai developers are becoming ever stricter in maximising revenue opportunities
The 13 Most Beautiful Things in the World: My Choice
MICH CAFE: A friend threw out the challenge on Twitter and it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a few days.
‘Cousin Marriage’ in Dhofar: Dangers Are Ignored
SUSAN AL SHAHRI: Its practice is still extremely common in the south of Oman. The obsession with keeping the tribe pure comes at a price though.
Mumbo Jumbo in Oman: Black Magic Still A Force
DHOFARI GUCCI: I know of a recent, rather unpleasant incident which occurred in Dhofar. It’s a reminder that even in the early 21st century black magic lives on in Oman
Zeinab and Iyad: Love Across the Syrian Divide
MICH CAFE: They met, fell in love and got married. A simple story but not so simple when you’re on two sides of a sectarian divide in the midst of a civil war
Exile and Alienation: A Father’s Letters To His Son
GEORGE EL HAGE, TABSIR: I felt it necessary to express directly to my son the feelings of loneliness, isolation and alienation felt by a Lebanese exile.