Added on 06/10/2011
Juan Cole
America , Apple , Barack Obama , China , Coca cola , DOS , Herman Cain , Homs , India , Mona , Operating system , Paul Jobs , Rick Perry , Rupert Murdoch , Social Media , Steve Jobs , Syria , Taliban , United States
Steve Jobs and Barack Obama: Sons of Muslims, Distinctly American
JUAN COLE: Both the U.S President and arguably America’s most creative entrepreneur provide proof of the value of multiculturalism.
Added on 03/09/2011
Crossroads Arabia
America , Barack Obama , Christians , Democratic Party , Democrats , House of Representatives , Hussein Shobokshi , Middle East Opinions of America , President , Republic Party , Republican Party , Republicans , Rick Perry , Tea Party , Texas , United States , White House
American Politics: The View From Over Here
CROSSROADS ARABIA: Local commentators are premature in seeing the current debate as a reflection on the issues that will come to the fore in the presidential campaign.